
写的 2004年4月7日16:04
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我们继续我们的旅程,我们的目的地叫九乡风景区。这是一个以其宏伟的洞穴、瀑布和美丽的风景而闻名的地方。为了去洞穴,我得坐电梯下去。所以我们乘电梯下去,在去洞穴之前,我们在湖上做了一次巡游。乘船大约10到15分钟。它只是看看岩石的构造和岩石上的文字。我们游览结束后,就步行去了山洞。当我们走到洞穴时,如果我没记错的话,下面有一条河一直与黄河相连。好吧,洞小暗,楼梯很陡,走路要小心,参观九乡时请随身携带手电筒。我们进入了第一个洞穴。 The 1st cave is about rock formations. Some of them look like animals; some look like people and lots more. Very interesting. The 2nd cave is about natural resources. Rocks being written with the words Jiuxiang. It is not being craved on, it is the water rushing and clashing with the rocks and the words Jiuxiang appear on the rock and there are lots of more related things to Jiuxiang. There is also a waterfall in the 2nd cave. Well, normal camera can't capture the waterfall due to the cave is dark, just pay 10 bucks and you get expert photographer taking photo of the waterfall and you together. My whole family pays 10 bucks to the photographer and took a picture of the waterfall of course with us in it.
之后,继续爬楼梯。第三个洞穴被称为蝙蝠洞,因为它曾经有很多蝙蝠,但随着游客的到来,它们开始消失。这个洞穴是三个洞穴中楼梯最多的。楼梯总数为336层。在进入洞穴之前,您可以选择乘坐轿子或步行。对于老年人来说,我想知道他们是如何攀登的,因为第一和第二洞穴的楼梯很陡,必须爬。第三个洞穴什么都没有。当我们爬完所有3个洞穴时,我确信我已经瘦了很多。到了吃饭的地方。今晚的晚餐是当地人在家里吃的。 It was fabulous. The Hotel we were staying in was Stone Forest Hotel, saw 4 Merlions. Alan told us that a Singaporean owns the Hotel, so that's why the 4 symbols of Singapore are there. Got the room keys and took my rest till the very next morning


在那之后,我看到了这个大东西。根据指南,这是三国角色之一用来吓唬人的,说要油炸这个人。就像这样。我们看到了这个沙雕,开始了我们的造砂之旅。首先看到的是这个沙丘,它看起来像一只猴子,然后是这个沙丘,它看起来像一个将军,看起来像啤酒肚。看到了很多其他的沙子。这地方就像个大迷宫一旦你走错了路就出不去了。那里有一个供我们休息的商店,那里有一个大椅子,很久以前三国的国王都坐过,我们可以在上面照相。休息后继续散步。这里有一种泉水,据说它非常清澈,对健康有益。 According to the guide, she say it is used to heal the soldiers in the three kingdoms because once the soldiers drank some dirty water and they came to the water spring to drink and they were perfectly fine after that. The health part I'm not sure but I strongly agreed that it is very clear.


我们的下一个目的地是石林。石林位于昆明东南126公里处,是国家级风景名胜区,总面积350平方公里,是世界海拔最高的景区。我眼前的一切都令人惊讶;就在这里,我对独特的山峰和奇怪的洞穴感到惊讶和惊讶。迷人的“阿诗玛”传说,每年6月24日萨尼人的“火炬节”,热情热情的彝族舞蹈“月光下的阿西舞”,让我对这个地区有了更多的了解。我们来到一个卖中药的地方,叫做包舒汤。他们的药收效甚微。甚至我们的新加坡总理李光耀先生,他的病也是在北京的宝顺堂医治的。这个地方在全中国排名24到28位。所以我们进去听负责人向我们解释他们的两种药。 1st is the bear bladders powder (Yeah, gross and cruel) I would say. 2nd is a cream. Well, the person did demonstrations and he put his hand over the burning hot rod, which has only just been taken off the fireplace. After that, he quickly applied the cream on his hand. The explanation finished. So, the doctors was checking out the group illness and give them some advice about it. For me, I got nothing to ask about and the person who just did the demonstration walked over to my family and me. I was sort of looking around and I took a look at his hand. Indeed it was ok not sore at all kind of amazing. So I walked around looking at different types of Chinese medicine. I even saw ants in a sealed bag. Yuck! But I would say I learnt more or less about Chinese medicine well, walked around for a while and board the bus. Went back to Town, Kunming.

回去的路程大约2到3个小时。艾伦昨天告诉我们有两列火车在云南,其中一列是老式的,又小又慢,它开往缅甸,另一列只在中国运行,但它又大又快。我姐姐和表弟肯看到了一辆火车,他们都叫我妈妈和我去看,但那不是老式的火车。真遗憾,因为我们希望看到那辆旧火车。但是老火车如果我们想看全靠我们的运气,Alan告诉我们老火车只会移动缅甸的那一边,火车正在被装满,同样的道理也适用于云南。Alan告诉我们中国有三种人,一种是他父母的年龄,另一种是勤奋的人等等,但他们有点固执,多亏了这群人,中国才有了今天。第二组是21-30岁,如果我没猜错的话,艾伦在这一组,这一组的人他们甚至不敢谈论婚姻之类的事情,因为结婚要花很多钱,即使他们看到一个喜欢的女孩,他们也会问自己,他们有足够的钱养活妻子,家庭和孩子吗?即使他们喜欢一个人,他们也会问自己,你在做什么,爱上一个人。我认为这群人会因为金钱而生活得最不快乐;没有金钱谈不出爱情。 The 3 groups are 12-20. This group they don't like to study, they like to go dance in pubs and try all those drugs that's the town kids, for the countryside, they got to help their parents selling things, they got no chance to go to school, I saw a little boy about 3 or 4 year old helping his parents carrying vegetable to the market and a gals about my age helping with her parents selling sounviers. Finally reached Town. The Hotel we were staying in for the night is Green Lake Hotel. Well, my aunty (ken's mum), my aunt (my mum's elder brother wife), aunty Doris and my parents went to shop with the rest of the group. For the three of us, we decided to crash on our own. Actually due to my sister got a stomach, my cousin ken is tried and for me got a terrible headache. We decided to stay in the hotel. So I channel-surf the TV for English MTV. Managed to catch some but my eyes were not obeying, I went to dreamland.


叫醒我们的时间是7点半,所以我们7点半就醒了。洗餐具了。我去咖啡厅吃早餐了。今天上午,我们要乘船游览洱海。在去码头的路上,看到两只狗被锁在笼子里等着人们吃。我看到了,我的心很痛。真不敢相信有人吃狗肉。到达码头。我们乘坐的船是中国旅行社最大最好的船。万博定制的zippo价格我们订了一个歌厅,每个人都在唱歌,我的表弟肯恩和妹妹在玩起司。 I was reading a book while enjoying the beautiful lake view. Reached the 1st island. Stopped only for 15 minutes. As the water was very clear, my aunty (ken's mum) bought some fried small prawns to treat us. The boat left the island and it was our turn to watch the Bai Tribe performances. The dancing and singing indeed is very nice, but I don't know what the host is talking about, her Chinese was very good.

我们品尝了三杯大理名茶。买了一小包蜜饯。第一杯茶是苦的。第二杯茶是甜的。第三杯茶是第一杯和第二杯茶。最后一场表演是关于大理人如何婚嫁的。新娘需要从亲戚那里得到安慰,这对他们来说是一种祝福。到达第二个岛。去看了一座巨大的中国神像。拍了些照片。 Went back down to see this 10 statute about a mother eating some pill and gave birth to ten sons something like that. Took some picture. Walk around for a while and quickly went back to the boat since it only stops for 45 minutes. Went back on the boat, sat outside on the deck to enjoy the sea breeze. The feeling is just so great. Sat on the deck for about 15 minutes and went back into the singing room because the sunlight in China is very strong. Watch people sing song. After 15 minutes, we reached the jetty. Went to locate the bus. We reached the place looking for the bus. A lot of people came rushing to us selling things. Didn't want it, they kept making us buy. Well, was so scared that they kept making us buy. My sister, my aunt (my mum's elder brother wife), aunty Doris and me hid under an umbrella. Finally, the bus came, and rushed on to the bus.

去吃午饭了。午饭后,我们步行前往今天的下一个目的地——蝴蝶泉。大理蝴蝶泉公园位于滇仓山的云农山上。原来的名字是无底洞投票。在春末夏初之间(农历15日),会举行传统的采蝶活动。在那个时候,很多人在那里相遇,唱着他们的情歌。据导游说,那里有我们用来洗手的泉水。第一次考试意味着你将来的学习很好。第二次意味着将来会有好运。第三位代表与未来的丈夫或妻子有好运。 Well, I only just want to wash for fun but the local china tourist keeps pushing us and we nearly fell down.
继续到下一个地方,那就是周城,看看大理人是如何做死布的。看到他们是怎么做的,回到车上继续我们的下一个目的地是喜洲镇。在公共汽车上,导游告诉我们,我们的目的地有很多人在卖我们刚才遇到的东西,所以他告诉我们要表现得模糊,不要回答或说任何话,这样他们就会离开。喜洲镇约有白人的房子看一看。很好。下一个目的地是古老的大理古城。购物时间到了。我的妈妈,我的阿姨(我妈妈的哥哥的妻子),我的阿姨(肯的妈妈),我的表妹肯,多丽丝阿姨和我的妹妹走得很慢。我和爸爸决定在导游告诉我们的地方和他们见面,所以我和爸爸四处走走,看看东西。我们等着导游带我们去吃晚饭。 Well, the restaurant and a crystal shop is linked together, so the person is showing and telling us about different kind of crystal, So everyone was shopping for purple crystal necklace.

我爸爸,我妹妹,我表弟肯和我都很无聊。我们四处走走。多丽丝阿姨在买手机配件,所以她让我和妹妹选择,我得到了一个玻璃蓝色的老鼠,这也是我的星座和我最喜欢的颜色的配件,我妹妹得到了玻璃狗配件。但是我的阿姨(我妈妈的哥哥妻子)想要一个玻璃狗的配件,所以Doris阿姨,我和我的妹妹帮她寻找,但是我们看到的都不是很好,所以我姐姐给了我阿姨(我妈妈的哥哥妻子)她的,Doris阿姨让我妹妹选择1。我们三个人帮她找一只玻璃猴,因为她是属猴的。可怜那个女售货员,因为我的表姐肯拒绝了那么多她拿出来的东西。拿了一个去找我的妈妈,我的阿姨(我妈妈的哥哥的妻子),我的阿姨(肯的妈妈),我的爸爸和我的表弟肯。我的妈妈,我的阿姨(我妈妈的哥哥的妻子),我的阿姨(肯的妈妈)还没有选好紫色的水晶项链。把我妹妹和我的手机配件给我表弟肯看。然后肯突然告诉我们,我妹妹的手机配件有一部分坏了。 So aunty Doris immediately drag my sister, my cousin ken to change for another one. After a while, went over to see whether they (aunty Doris, my cousin ken and my sister) finished choosing the thing, my sister told me that my cousin ken rejected three of the accessories, so I joined in to help them. Finally, found one. So my dad asks me to go upstairs to have our dinner 1st together with aunty Doris, my cousin ken and my sister. Had our dinner. Went back on the bus. But I find it funny because my parents and relatives were not on the bus. Miss Wee and me went back to the shop to find them; they were shopping for local products. Finally, they finished buying. Luckily, the shop was very near to the hotel. Went back to the hotel. My cousin ken wanted to play pool, so went to the reception to know more about it. But we decide not to play. So went back to our room. Bath, watch TV for a while and went to bed. Lucky day for me got a free cell phone accessories and a purple crystal necklace.


今天早上5点醒来。洗完澡去咖啡厅吃早餐了。吃完早饭,我下楼去了大厅。那是一个寒冷的早晨。站在热坑前取暖。我们今天离开大理。我上了公共汽车,因为到机场要一个小时。除了我,大家都睡着了。我的心思在别的地方。很早就到达机场,大概早上7点05分。 We are the only one in the airport. Check in our luggage and went through the customs. Bid goodbye to the Tour Guide and Bus Driver The Bus Driver look like the Chinese Communist Mao ZhengDong, So we call him Uncle Mao. He's a pretty nice guy. Well, waited for the plane, so was walking around. Well, plane reached. Plane took off at 8.15. Reached Kunming at 9.00. Went to get our luggage. Saw Alan. After What happened in LiJiang was very relived to see him. Got our luggage and went on Bus. Alan told us what he did scold the people in LiJiang for over half hour. He apologized on behalf of his company to us.


去了文化村。首先,为了去村庄,我去坐这种小汽车。去参观傣族村。艾伦请我们去喂海鸥,除了我。我在看傣族人的舞蹈表演。拍了些照片。参观完村庄。回到车上,继续前往下一个村庄,那是纳西族部落。在参观纳西族人的房子时,艾伦从傣族村庄买了水果招待我们,但我太懒了。去看他们的房子和他们自己的语言。 Took some pictures. Went to see the Mosuo people. These people don't get married. They treat women same rank as the men in the house. The guys find gals just by putting his finger and if any gal put her finger into his finger. So the guy goes to the gal's house to spend the night and the next morning the guy goes back to his own house and the whole thing repeats again. It is kind of like a one nightstand. Well, if the gal gets pregnant, she takes care of the kid. So if they two are in love, they get married and they carry their kid and date. They are call the Mosuo people because at night, they go to the gal's house before the day breaks, the guy leaves the house. Well, Interesting traditional I will say. Well, the lady guide was explaining things to that and us were two Chinese guy locals say that Mosuo people traditional are very good and the lady guide says not really. That two idiots are so dirty minded. I was enjoying the seagulls flying in the blue sky. Well, continued with our last village, which is Yi Tribe Village. The Yi Tribe people look up to the Tiger as a god or something. Well, finished visiting the Cultural Village. Went for lunch. Alan bought some Dai Tribe people what they eat to treat us. Alan himself is half of Dai Tribe. After lunch, went to Daguan Park (Grand View Pavilion). Well, lots of sea gulls in the park. Alan treat us to feed the sea gulls we told him not to because this morning, he already treat us. He wanted to so we accepted his offer. This time, I did feed the seagulls. Well finished feeding the seagulls. Went to this place Daguanlou. Everyone finished feeding the seagulls. Went to Daguanlou as Alan explained to us what is outside the Daguanlou the 2 long pillars with words which make me feel amazing, he remember such long poem. Went in to visit and came out. Miss Wee and me were walking and we two were looking around at the shops. Saw this guy drawing people's name, Miss Wee decided to ask the guy to draw since the bus have not arrived yet, I was only accompanying her and checking out what the guy is doing since its interesting. Well, there were also tourists from Taiwan I think also asking the guy to draw and she got 5 names asking the guy to draw. Well, luckily the guy who is drawing is quite fast, well the bus came. Miss Wee was like so anxious about making people waiting for her. I told her to calm down because they (the group) don't mind waiting for her.

那个人画完后问我们是不是新加坡人?薇小姐的反应是你怎么知道的?那家伙说We (Miss Wee和我)说话的方式很有文化。韦小姐说她不太喜欢别人知道她来自新加坡,她问那个家伙为什么我们(韦小姐和我)不能来自马来西亚或台湾。这家伙说马来西亚人和新加坡人完全不同,台湾人都是胖子,他们非常粗鲁。知道她的名字。
赶紧回到车上。继续前往我们今天的下一个也是最后一个目的地,西山和龙山。西山以一系列寺庙而闻名,这些寺庙坐落在通往山顶的小路上。艾伦给我们讲了西山上的庙宇和神。他们大多数人都在打盹,除了维小姐、艾伦和我。维小姐问了艾伦一些事情,我只是看着窗外,我的思想在别的地方思考,但我还是听到了艾伦告诉她的事情,我没有偷听他们只是在谈论西山。到达西山,我们需要乘坐缆车(缆车)或步行和汽车。嗯,我们选择乘坐缆车,坐着缆车下来。嗯,坐在缆车上的景色太美了。到达山顶,走下来。 My cousin Ken and me were talking along the way. Took pictures along the way. We get to look at the Dianchi Lake. Reach the 1st temple, Alan explained to us and some of them did a little praying and continued with the walking. Reach the 2nd temple Alan explained to us and some of them did a little praying, took a look and continued with the last temple. Reach the last temple, likewise Alan explained to us, took a look around. They were buying sounviers at a shop, I was checking out the scenery using a telescope. My dad was talking to one of the uncles in the group. Sat down to take a rest. My mum, aunt (my mum's elder brother wife), aunty (ken's mum), aunty Doris and my sister were checking out the things at the shop. I saw a book on the tribe in whole China, thought of buying it but in the end decided not to. Went down. At the bottom of the hill, Alan say hey I got a great news which is the car shuttle service is closed, so we got to walk down. The night was falling in, when we reached the car park, got on to the bus. Was too tried from the walking, everyone dozed off. Reach the restaurant for dinner. Ate our dinner, Alan changed some of the dishes because he know we are sick of seeing the same food everyday. Halfway through the dinner, my sister saw a bug in one of the dishes, got the waitress to change it. After that, continued eating our dinner. Finished our dinner and ate the nuts aunty Doris bought, I also ate some. Didn't need to peel them because my cousin ken peels them for me! *Grin*.

晚饭后,我们返回酒店,入住绿湖酒店。拿了房间钥匙,上楼去了。我们住了两个房间,但是旅馆没有把我们安排在一起,因为有一个相邻的房间。等安顿下来,阿兰上来了,薇小姐告诉我们,她住在其中一个房间里,门是锁着的。所以我们和多丽丝阿姨和我阿姨(我妈妈的哥哥的妻子)交换了。去了趟洗手间,然后下楼去了大厅。上了公交车,出去散步,买了些东西。他们看到一家面包店,买了一些东西,Miss Wee和我只是在闲逛,她告诉我我们两个很遗憾,每次都涉及到购物,我们两个都要等他们,因为我们没有东西买。拍了些照片。有些人休息了一下。 Went back to the hotel by walking back. Saw Ekin Chen (Hong Kong star on a notice board, Miss Wee and me were joking with Alan, hey how come you are on the notice board. Well, we told Alan to go back home since we were about to reach the hotel and we know our way back, moreover he will reach home late if he walk home or take bus. He told us that it is his responsibilities to make sure we are sure safe and sound; he will get worried and couldn't sleep if we went back on our own to the hotel. Reach the hotel, took a bath and went to bed.



接下来是我们今天的第一个目的地,我想是一个茶馆。到达目的地。那个人告诉我们不同种类的茶。走进一个房间,给我们解释了更多,让我们喝茶。喝了很多茶,终于喝完了。我立刻到房间里去散步,因为其他人都在问负责人什么类型的茶好?去停车场吃午饭了。今天,我们来品尝云南的两道名菜:过桥面和汽锅鸡。吃午饭的时候,我们还看了一些表演。轮到艾伦唱歌了,他唱得太棒了,有人给他献花,我决定给他3茎花。 His expression was shocked as he received the flower. Finished our lunch. Got a bathroom break. Was talking to the group since Alan went to get something. Well, Alan came and got on the bus for our next destination which is to a shop selling medicine called Fu Shun Tang as usual, I got nothing to buy, so just sat down on the chair. Well, only my mum, aunty( ken's mum) and Mrs. Goh bought something, we got on the bus .Proceed on to the next destination since some of them wanted to buy CD, but couldn't find a place to park the bus, so went to this place to buy local products. The shop allow free samples of the products before buying. Well, I was not buying, so didn't went to try. Miss Wee was talking to another tour guide who was taking another group from Singapore. Wanted to get on the bus, but there was so many beggars and they kept demanding for money. Miss Wee got me on the bus. Others wanted to get on the bus but the beggars kept pestering them for money. Miss Wee confronted them saying These are my friends, please don't pester them as I just now gave us some nuts to eat and you guys are very demanding, so give me a face let them off. Got on the bus to the airport. Reach the airport. Check in. While Checking in, I saw my secondary 2 science teacher but I forget what her name , so I don't dare to talk to her. My cousin ken kept asking me to talk to her. The check in stuff was done.


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