- 游览丽江。不要在老城区停留超过2天,没有什么可做的。KRISS 2013年10月9日05:46
- 2013北京庙会BENNYLAU 2013年2月26日03:29
- 马来西亚人从吉隆坡-万博定制的zippo价格洛杉矶机场前往上海机场ZATI_DY 2013年1月3日20:15
你的第一次出租车之旅不会沉闷。我想中国大部分地区都是这样,但我只去过西安。对我来说叫辆出租车是件容易的事。我有一头金色的长发,所以出租车会发现我,就会停下来,即使我没有挥手让他们停下来!我第一次坐出租车是去鼓楼。出租车摇下前排乘客侧的车窗,让我告诉他我要去哪里。我给他看了西安的地图,并指着鼓楼的图片。他点了点头,我坐上了后座。我迅速环顾四周,确定自己坐的是一辆真正的出租车,看了看计价器,确定它正常工作,司机的仪表盘上有一张“员工卡”。出租车的前排和后排都有栏杆,就像警车一样。 I found this odd. Also a magazine chained onto the bar to look at. I will tell you right now you will not be looking at the magazine your first time in the taxi because it you will be trying to breathe! As the taxi took off I decided to fasten my seat belt because we were whizzing through traffic, we didn't stay on the proper side of the street, never slowed down for pedestrians, and apparently stopping at a red light is optional! I could not believe it. A "U turn" is also very common even though there are signs everywhere saying not to do it.
有趣的是,在一条两车道的街道上行驶,他们设法把五条车道挤在自行车之间,站在路上等着过马路的人,双层巴士,轻便摩托车和人力车!每个人都在互相按喇叭,我心想“为什么每个人都这样开车,然后生气地按喇叭,因为他们的路怒症?”我很快就意识到,按喇叭并不是为了对前面的司机“大喊大叫”,而是为了许多其他目的,比如“我在你后面”或“我就要超过你了”和“我正在向你走来”,但不是以粗鲁的方式。真的,他们几乎什么都按喇叭。看到塔时,我松了一口气。在西安(城墙内)打一辆出租车的价格可能永远不会超过2加元。还有一种支付出租车费用的方法,我没花很长时间就意识到了。例如,如果价格是5.60,实际价格是6元。如果是4.40,实际价格是4元。它总是四舍五入到最接近的数字。 If it is right on the half mark there are 50 Cent bills (very small red ones) and you can give exact change which is what they want! Do not try to pay with a large bill, when you go anywhere and are planning on taking a taxi home make sure you have a small bill. If you know your way around and you think the taxi took advantage of you and made the ride longer then needed take the receipt when the ride is over. They will hand you or you can ask for one. There is a number on the receipt that you can call and complain. There will be a taxi number on the receipt to give them. I’m not sure but I think some how you can get free taxi rides by doing this…?