- 游览丽江。不要在老城区停留超过2天,没有什么可做的。KRISS 2013年10月9日05:46
- 2013北京庙会BENNYLAU 2013年2月26日03:29
- 马来西亚人从吉隆坡-万博定制的zippo价格洛杉矶机场前往上海机场ZATI_DY 2013年1月3日20:15
一开始我以为这是中国人开的玩笑,想要骗我,到目前为止,没有任何恐吓吓到我,我把它当成了玩笑。然后我重复了一遍,我什么都没买,他们需要让我走,这是绑架,如果我做错了什么,他们需要打电话给美国大使馆,因为我是美国公民。我告诉他们在这件事上需要帮助,我对自己说,是的,美国大使馆,我的。!!他们就在大使馆等着这些皮条客打电话来救我。突然门开了,一个非常生气的所谓“老板”走了进来,一手拿着三星手机,另一手拿着香烟——呃,伙计,他是我这辈子见过的最丑的中国男人之一,他是个该死的怪物。他就是被设计出来吓死我这种人的。这个被称为“老板”的施膏者外表丑陋。所以他冲进来,用中文对那4个人大喊大叫,跳上教练,攻击我,并朝我脸上狠狠地打了一拳,但我非常咄咄逼人地挡住了他的手,把他的胳膊压得很紧(我需要告诉你,我是韩国国术的黑带和两次冠军,这是韩国最危险的武术之一)。于是老板叫那四个人把我按住,他们就跳了进去。我放开了他的胳膊,另外两个人紧紧抓住我的手和脚,我没有反抗。 Then the angry boss punched my jar very hard again but I turned my face very fast and he hit me in the neck.. uh man it hurt me really bad such a way that I could not bread for 3-second and I thought I'm going to die here if I don't pay them the money and that came to the conclusion that they are not joking it is a serious business they are really killing me. .. uh man I was so pissed, so insulted, so angry and so helpless and for God sake I was in Shanghai for only 2 damn hours.I was really scared and thinking for the worse and how to save my life in that situation. Then the angry Boss left the room and the so called gentleman interrogator started to intimidate me more.. again and again but more aggressively. Next I stood up like a wounded tiger and said I need to leave and you need to let me go now I told the guy very aggressively and loud-- and they knew there will be big-time bloody fight if they don't., so the big boss agreed to send me to my hotel with two guys to grab my second credit card. Lastly I came to USA and called my credit company and got the name of the merchants charged my card with their portable credit card machines and I need help to have Shanghai police to arrest them and I will come to Shanghai for witness and tell the court my history.