- 游览丽江。不要在老城区停留超过2天,没有什么可做的。KRISS 2013年10月9日05:46
- 2013北京庙会BENNYLAU 2013年2月26日03:29
- 马来西亚人从吉隆坡-万博定制的zippo价格洛杉矶机场前往上海机场ZATI_DY 2013年1月3日20:15
嗨,我最近去了箭口,我只是想根据我的经验警告其他人。小心那些跳上公交车(在各个随机的公交站)并告诉你下车的诈骗出租车司机。他们只是想骗你早点下车,然后坐他们的出租车。不要上当。他们会(在公交车上)走到你面前,告诉你“Gui low”/白人下车去长城。当我去那里....有一个腐败的公共汽车司机在公共汽车站告诉其他人也下车。汽车站的公共汽车司机穿着他的蓝色制服,胳膊上还有驾驶员徽章。不幸的是,一些腐败的公交司机也参与了这个骗局。这个出租车司机跳上公交车的事情实际上在我去长城的旅途中又发生了4次.... Taxi drivers hoping on and off the bus. Eventually, I did take a taxi but not until I had to.... the prices are definitely negotiable. The taxi drivers will convince you to pay the return journey up front. I refused to I only paid them half the amount and told them if they want the other half they will get it when they bring me back to the main bus station. Also, negotiation when you want to be picked up from Jiankou too, I didn't do that and taxi driver insisted he will pick me up in 3hrs fr. the time I arrived at JK :( It takes around 45 min to go up JK and 30 to come back down. I personally think 5hrs is a good time because you want enjoy the wall a bit.