

写的 2005年10月24日06:10
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我在一个村庄的第一站是一个柬埔寨Dejavu。这个小农业协议包括在一个街道。根深蒂固的,肮脏的建筑物排列这孤独的地带。当我独自一人坐在路边的三个肮脏的孩子们热情地向我跑过来。越接近他们的慢节奏。来到一个完全停止在我面前5英尺他们彼此开始窃窃私语。其中一人指着我的脸,狡猾的言论,使其他孩子笑,他们都眼花缭乱地跑掉了。我立刻拿出化妆镜,以确保没有鼻屎挂我的鼻子。原来他只是嘲笑我。如果这不是打击我的信心,接下来发生的事情。 The only transportation with wheels sat idling at the far end of the road. I approached the vehicle and attempted to explain where I wanted to go to a short fat man smoking a cigarette. He slowly turned his head and looked me up and down. I watched as his pupils turned to from two black dots to two large $ $. He uttered an outrageous amount of money to go the short distance. The battle had begun. I squared off with the man and began my quarrel. As we continued nattering, more and more locals rolled up. Before I knew it I was starting at 10 slightly irritated men in the middle of the countryside, alone with a thousand dollars in my pocket. Out of some heavenly place a motorbike came and he was my quick ticket out of the sticky situation. The next village was similar to the first except the people were a little friendlier. Instead of just laughing at me and walking away they tried to figure out what I wanted. I arranged my next bus and was one step closer to my destination. The last village I was dumped at was the worst. A small market lay in the middle of two mountains. The passing of trucks left all the umbrellas covered in soot. A small burner sent exhausting black fumes into the air. The people were here only to buy their goods. I couldn't imagine the places they came from. Obviously they had the same scrutiny about myself. I caught each of their eyes. I really needed a break and although this wasn't the best place to rest, I didn't know where I would be next. I sat down to a plate of rice noodles and peanuts. A hardy meal for a hardy man. A giant of a woman served me but with her giant body came a giant heart. With a quick phrase that I have become accustomed to, she filled me with self-assurance that I needed for the rest of my trip. “Man Zou!” She shouted with a big smile on her face. This literally translates to "Walk slow". To me this means more then just “be careful”. To me this means take the time to see the wonders of life. The woman said it like she really cared. It filled me with joy to know that even in the middle of nowhere, someone cares about you. Since there were no buses I assumed the only way out of this place was the passing trucks. I sat on the road side with my thumb out as countless large blue trucks flew past me sending rocks, dust, and smoke into my face. This obviously wasn't going to work. The only other option I had was using nature. A happy man passed me with his ox. This seemed legible to me. Why not? With some reasoning and a little bit of money the man was happy to bring me to where I wanted to go. I The day was passing quickly and the last thing I wanted was to be stuck in some random village most likely sleeping on the side of the road. I finally arrived at the city I was looking for. I was worn-out, weary, and had no energy to argue with anyone. The man would not budge from his price for the last ride. I didn't care. I was so close.
过去的道路是惊人的。巨大的喀斯特山区升级直接向天空。亮绿色池满了稻田。无污点的芬芳的新鲜空气与每个呼吸充满了我的肺。男人将我送到门口和我走到最后的500米。我可以在这里之前,我可以看到它。成千上万加仑的水撞在一起成一个巨大的游泳池。终于,有世界上第二大瀑布过渡。它的美了我把它的脚。没有旅游,没有小贩。 The place was mine. 3 lonely fishermen paid no attention to me. I stripped of my clothes and had my first swim. It was a huge relief to cleanse myself in this pure untouched waterfall. Vietnam lies on the other side of the river. Women with rice hats and long white dresses sauntered gracefully around the water. The fisherman above me sleepily cast their hooks into the water. The sound of each waterfall falling on top of each other was so passive and serene. All around me gigantic mountains with terraced rice fields engulfed the area.
短暂的时间内我在这个地方将被记念,直到永远。它给了我力量改变我以后的旅行。从那以后一切顺利。在路上我遇到了一个好人的大城市。我们聊天广泛关于瀑布的美丽和周边地区。我们在非常狭窄的道路。它上升到高山上。有时一天中下跌摇滚派一辆卡车撞上了一边的山。我数了数卡车排队。300年之后,我放弃了。 The line of vehicles continued for an hour. The sunlight left and I landed in the big city. I welcomed any place to stay and lay down my bag. I slept well that night and the next day I was off on a whole new adventure.




更多的 广西旅游评论万博定制的zippo价格
1。<一>琳恩 DONOVANKIERAN 2005年6月15日14:06












*名称: 国家:






