- 在丽江。不要呆在旧城镇超过2天,没有去做。05:46波形刀10月9日,2013
- 2013年北京庙会03:29 BENNYLAU 2月26日,2013
- 马来西亚从库- vi万博定制的zippo价格s上海PVG松懈2013年1月3日ZATI_DY定于今年
新疆Fangdian坐在停车场,我看着擦鞋机改变了我尘封的皮革光泽,黑色的乌木。我喜欢这双鞋,因为每当我放错地方或者滥用他们的不断出现,准备下一轮。这一切都始于西安天气是可怕的。国庆节即将到来,我想去平遥,但也下雨。我也有一个恼人的感冒,根据天气预报,在新疆肯定没有下雨。我买了第一票,跳上飞机,向西到中国的干燥土地上最后的边境。我只有最小的改变的衣服和一双皮鞋。到达时,迎接我的阳光,友好的维族出租车司机给我280元为17公里的旅行乘坐出租车进城,我很快选择了10元附近机场巴士。我有一个联系人在乌鲁木齐,他优雅地将我去看他尽管我意想不到的通知书的到来。Hakip是新疆大学教授当我到达时,他迅速地建立我的早饭。 I felt like I was in a different country as he brought out traditional Uighur fresh fruit jams, cream, pastries, and the ubiquitous nan bread. I indulged with great satisfaction. It was quite a change from the Han style breakfast of cabbage, carrots, and mantou bread which I was used to back in Xi'an. Hakip's family was visiting him so he could not accompany me around the city. We wished each other our farewells and I was soon walking around a very modern, snazzy little city. Brand new Volkswagen Santanas taxis were buzzing around everywhere and there were very few bicycles, probably because everyone drives quite fast here. New buildings, trendy shops, and hotels are everywhere, there was even girls out on a catwalk modeling the newest fashions. I must say I was a little surprised being that I was supposed to be in China's outback country. At the hotel Xinjiang Fangdian I found a large single person room for 60 yuan per night. I liked this location and there was a handy internet cafe under the crossing tunnel of the main street in front of the hotel. I didn't know anyone else here, and I really wanted to go somewhere a little more remote, like Kashgar. Of course, there are many more remote places outside of Urumqi to visit, but I was really curious about Kashgar, because so few people know anything about it, so I headed for the train station and got in line. I found some guys from England there who told me Kashgar was 24 hours from Urumqi by train, much too long for me with my limited schedule.
因为国庆节航空公司价格休的两倍价格我最终交出我剩下的现金一个半小时飞往喀什认为我能找到一个ATM某处。这个城市从机场仅约10公里,我很快发现宿舍风格酒店。当我递给店员美国护照她说我不能呆在那里。我变得非常生气,并问她为什么美国人不允许睡觉。另一个说英语的中国女孩也想知道为什么。店员告诉我们是一个国家的法律,任何建筑已由政府使用政府不允许美国人留在这。我发现这是老式的中国,汉族士兵添加一个漂亮的联系做日常游行在街上。我转移到任何酒店我能找到的第一个晚上,窝一天我会找到一个便宜的地方。我本地中年维吾尔族男子似乎很“好”,帮助我得到一个折扣价格在人民广场旁边的一个酒店。原来这家伙是.... well.... let's just say, not heterosexual. I helped him out of my room and was quickly out of there very early in the morning. Kashgar was turning out to be an interesting place, and the best was yet to come. The city is small, about 200,000 people and easy to walk around. I found the Seman Hotel which has 50 yuan per night single rooms with community showers. It is best to get a room on the fourth floor because somewhere underneath the first floor there is a karaoke bar which emits different forms of wailing into the wee hours of the night. There are quite a few erudite backpacking types here and you can get a lot of information from the locals as well about various trekking activities throughout this area. I metan American and a Canadian who were planning a trip to the world's largest natural arch--Shipton's Arch. It lies about 150 kilometers west of Kashgar in the rugged Kara Tagh mountains right on the Kyrgyzstan border. We planned to leave the following morning and I needed to pay the guides my portion of the price. I went to the nearest Bank of China to use the ATM. Well, ATM's in Xinjiang don't accept foreign bankcards---so be warned, carry plenty of cash with you when you go to Xinjiang! Things were looking pretty grim and I thought a cold beer would do me well while I figured out my next move. I didn't realize that Uighur religious holiday Ramudan coincided with the Han National Holiday this year. It was difficult to find a nice restaurant that was open because no one was eating, drinking, or smoking in the whole city until sundown. I thought I would have to abandon the trip and somehow make it back on the train to Xi'an with the four hundred yuan I had left. Luckily, the Canadian in our group was going to be in Xi'an the next week, and he lent me the money I would need to get back. I don't know if all Canadians are this trusting, but I was very grateful.
在喀什我探索周围的集市Id Kah广场。有要买的东西的一个数组从地毯到外来乐器,但我用有限的资金满足自己与石榴酒、新鲜的无花果,和窑烤面包塞满了肉和洋葱。这里的人们非常温暖和一些英语说得不好。我就喜欢花了更多的时间在这里,但是我不得不走了。第二天我回到了乌鲁木齐。