- 游览丽江。不要在老城区停留超过2天,没有什么可做的。KRISS 2013年10月9日05:46
- 2013北京庙会BENNYLAU 2013年2月26日03:29
- 马来西亚人从吉隆坡-万博定制的zippo价格洛杉矶机场前往上海机场ZATI_DY 2013年1月3日20:15
严格意义上说,这并不是一次真正的独自旅行,因为我有朋友在杭州认识我,而她在绍兴工作。火车第二天早上到达。我把行李寄存在车站大厅外面的行李寄存处,好像不是火车站管理的。火车站前面有很多这样的地方。从上午10点到下午5点,我付了10元。之后,我们去了附近的公交车站,乘坐K7公交车去西湖。我完全不知道我们在往哪个方向走。我们在湖滨站下车。事实上,巴士路线绕西湖而行,终点站是灵隐寺。你可以在端桥或湖边的任何地方下车,然后吃东西或骑自行车环湖。 We had a long hiking that day and I highly recommend travelers to rent a bicycle. Local government set up some bicycle-hire lots around the lake area and many other places in the city center. The rental is very cheap, for free within one hour and only 1 yuan for two hours. We found this when we had nearly finished walk around the lake. It may save a lot of time and energy of course. You can give back the bicycle at other bicycle-hire lots. You could find some private runner offering rented bicycle. Do not take that. They are very expensive and you should give the vehicle back to the same place you rent it.
那是《黄鹂杨柳吟》,我在乾王纪念堂前和这位壮汉合影留念。石头铺就的小路两旁长满了高大的树木。天下着小雨,薄雾从灌木丛和树上升起。在我生活的城市里,很难看到像南山路这样曲折而漫长的道路。我们一直走在这条路上,直到我们看到了雷峰塔,这座塔很久以前就因为白娘子的传说而为全国所熟知。那是一位善良的女士,经过一千年的实践,从一个小矮人变成了人类,一个年轻人曾经在他的上辈子救了她。这位女士被一个和尚抓住,并在宝塔下下了毒。日落雷庚塔也是湖区风景最优美的景点之一。不幸的是,那天下着毛毛雨,我没有爬上50元门票的塔。徒步路线绵延不绝,经过苏堤、孤山、断桥。 There are far more places of interest nearby the lake. For the lake of time, I missed Dragon Well Tea Village and Lingyin Temple and so on. It is a good time to visit the tea village in middle march, for the first batch of tea in the year is just ready at that time. That is precious. However, I occasionally come across the Confucius Temple. I never knew there is a Confucius temple in West Lake. I found images of the famous 72 disciples of Confucius. To be frank, they look alike if getting rid of the accessories like beard, hat, etc, but it is really a tranquil location. West Lake in April is busy, for there are dragon boat competitions. Lotus in summer makes it especially charming.
我们乘坐1号线到人民广场,它是城市的中心。我从地下出来后向南京东路走去,看到了一块石碑,上面写着南京路步行街的起点。上海第一食品连锁店是买上海甜点和果脯的好地方。那是一家老店。南京东路有很多老字号和老店。我们花了比预期更多的时间走完这条街,因为它在地图上看起来并不长。最后我们到了外滩。我到那儿的时候很失望,或者我应该说我运气不好。外滩正在进行翻新。由于前几天下了雨,路面上都是泥水。 The exotic buildings along the riverside were partly renovated too. Some are covered with scaffolding frame with green nets on it. It was a bit mess there and turned out to be better when you fact the Huangpu River. Ferry ships runs busily on the river. Skyscrapers on the opposite riverside look magnificent, standing still and stretching high into the cloud.
夜幕降临,我放弃了去浦东的渡轮之旅和外滩观光隧道,直接去城隍庙,仍然是步行。我们找不到附近的公交车站,也不知道在哪里下车。我们走回南京东路,左转到四川中路,一直走到四川南路。经过一个十字路口,朝同一个方向走去。几分钟后,你可以看到一个装饰拱门在你的右边。这意味着你在城隍庙区域。上海老街、城隍庙、豫园、小吃城都在这里。老式建筑在灯光下看起来很美,这里的人也很美。这是一个繁忙的世界,尤其是在晚上。南翔馒头店在全国享有盛誉,被誉为上海顶级小吃。 I found it beside the corridor in front of (also a famous restaurant in Shanghai). There was a long queue and I left for other food. My companion told me that stuffed buns (we usually call bao zi, but called man tou in Shanghai) in Nanxiang taste not the best. It is its time-honored brand that is attractive better. Pan fried buns with port stuffing (chang sheng jian) is also a well-know Shanghai food. As the local tells, the tastiest ones are nearby markets and residential communities. The snack city only offers the convenience for tourist, extra fee added into them too. I bought some local specialities and desserts in City God Temple to share with family and friends. That's something commemorative.