

写的 2005年4月23日13:04
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我所有关于挑战当我们听到有需要攀爬的山;我和我的旅行伙伴在万博定制的zippo价格阳光下一辆公车的海南的三亚,一个叫做Tongzha小镇只有2小时路程。这是李的首都,毛泽东县和任何人冒险的起点海南高原荒野。让我告诉你什么是冒险的。唯一的公共汽车,去那里是那些已经被当地人使用几十年来,任何人包括鸡和农产品可以登上公共汽车。替补席位,但便宜的票价,没有交流但是我们有广播,没有电视,但人最友好和最善于交际。谦卑岛居民,回族人让你觉得在家里仅仅通过他们的微笑和他们如何用自己的方式去让你感到受欢迎。抵达Tongzha之后我们发现我们错过了唯一的公共汽车可以带我们去村庄在山脚下。显然这车只有在中午之前几次。唯一的其他选择是雇用一辆摩托车,一个想法我的旅行伙伴亮了起来。万博定制的zippo价格 We haggled for about 5 minutes with a couple of very rough looking guys who wore bloody red teeth from the juice of a stimulant root that is as common as chewing tobacco in the area. Finally we settled on 60 Yuan each and we were off! What started off as a Kodak moment adventure soon became a numbing experience and finally a potentially dangerous situation set on the backdrop of the most amazing green mountain scenery I had eve seen. The valley we bumped and bounced through is virtually untouched. In our 2 hour bike ride we passed all of 3 cars, a bicycle and spotted a farmer in a rise paddy on the foot of a terraced mountain. The spectacular view completely enveloped our anxieties of all the possible terrible things that were bound to happen to us where we the unwitting stars in a made for TV horror flick entitled “2 foreign girls in the valley of the unknown.” Two root chewing (for them) and cigarette breaks (for us) later we finally arrived. It was 6 o’clock and dusk had already set in however, the monster of a mountain’s silhouette was unmistakable. We peeled ourselves off our riders’ sweaty backs, attempted a few unsuccessful stretches and paid our riders, double the bargained price totally shocked at the kindness of these men. On top of that they took us to the cheapest hotel in town, a beautiful outdoorsy structure of four star caliber that was cheap only because nobody in their right leisurely minds would subject themselves to a two hour bumpy ride for fun.

第二天一早,刚洗过澡,痛骑我们悠闲的早餐吃的所有玻璃圆形茅屋食堂。到处都是绿色的巴斯德和可爱的小领域用稻草恨农民辛勤地劳作,早晨太阳追逐周围的晨雾。令人失望的是山上一直笼罩在雾中,但它仍在呼吸。我不能等待去爬山。我们从酒店经理要求搭顺风车,早上8点在山脚下。然后开始下雨。我们买了一些塑料雨覆盖,但他们很快就被证明是无用的。除了第一个500米,吴之山1867米的垂直上升,一直到最高!我发现它更容易去四肢着地支撑自己世纪老外来树种的根和树桩。吴之山是热带,大量植被和轴承成千上万的植物物种,更不用提所有的昆虫! The next 2 hours were no fun. The air was thick with a misty humidity, it was drizzling and the foliage was too thick to offer any view off the mountain. This was only the first half! The translation of Wu zhi shan is, 5 finger mountain each plateau representing a finger. It took 2 hours to reach the first finger, the view was unbelievable. Quiet, mysterious everywhere just thick vegetation. With nothing else to do, we had made friends with 2 Chinese gentlemen who were kind enough to share their water and snacks with us. Being city gals, we had brought with us, Chap Stick, mirror, cigarettes, a tiny canon digital camera which we almost lost when one of us slipped on our uphill climb and cash. It goes without saying that the only thing that actually proved slightly useful was the strawberry flavored Chap Stick I licked on every now and then to quell my hunger.
这是半个小时到下一个手指,没什么的,就像第一个。接下来的一个小时里,中指是大书特书。温度降至接近冰点,我只觉得我就能剥层时,因为汗水才赶紧把它们。这个时候我不累,不渴,真的什么也不行因为肾上腺素已经占领了。我是单身防备一心想达到顶部,不好玩了,这是我的挑战,我的珠穆朗玛峰。薄雾围绕着我,我只能看到我的手可以伸展。我知道我公司朋友大喊大叫的声音他们效忠这山是我们冒险的屁股踢。数百米离开地面时,它不是老掉牙的呼喊& # 8220;吴之山我爱倪# 8221;如果这# 8217;s会给你下一个提高到最高!看着山从地面,你认为,& # 8220;块巧克力蛋糕强生的# 8221; Being on the mountain with no way but up to go for the next, who knows since you can’t see past your forward step; you think, “oh my God.” Enduring near death experiences like jogging on what you think is a piece of heavenly flat surface only to abruptly stop in front of a 50 m drop right into the mountain or to negotiate your way around a piece of granite rock supported by a rusty chain you think, nothing you just do it because at this point on you have to beat the mountain, it has become your nemesis. I was not tired when I reached the top, the third finger which is the highest plateau. My body felt beaten, cold, hungry and thirsty but my mind was deceiving me. The last hour to the top taught me the equivalent of everything I learned during my high school years. As I slowly smoked my victory cigarette which incidentally was also food I started to cry. The scene of dotted villages through the misty haze was unbelievable. The dwarf trees that grew in awkward contorted shapes as if they were kowtowing to the sky were straight out of the classical oriental paintings. I am not ashamed to say I did not make it to the last two fingers, that would have just been too much for me considering we had no water, no food and no more cigarettes. Another two hours brought us back to the bottom and with that I endured a slight ankle sprain, a lower back injury from slipping on a slope and hitting a blunt stump on the way down, numerous bites from goodness knows what, rib locking hunger pains and dementia inducing adrenaline. I have a new respect for people who talk to themselves. They have seen the other side!

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