Huanghuacheng Great Wall---A Good Place for Refreshing

Written by Sep 9, 2010 01:05
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When I was in Beijing, my cousin invited me to visit Huanghuacheng Great Wall and I accept it. Huanghuacheng was not as famous as the Badaling and Mutainayu those well developed sections, but its uniqueness lay in the lake beside it and I liked the places with water. My cousin knew it

On the road there, he told me to enjoy the scenery freely and let him alone. But each time I was surprised, I couldn’t help calling him although I knew he needed to focus on the driving. Seen a family member in totally strange city, I felt even closer to him.

大约十一点半,我们到达了停车场在the foot of the mountain. The villagers were repairing the road; we had to walk to the entrance. Luckily, it was not too far. But it was really dry work walking in the sun. Then we decided to have lunch first in one of the farm houses and had a break. The owner was very friendly and the dishes were special but delicious as well. At 13:00, we left the farm house and continued to heading for the entrance. After paying rmb34 for each of us, we entered the site. The scenery inside was indeed different from the one outside. Outside the site was noisy village and vendors’ stands, but inside was wide open space. I just felt the water was overflowing the dam. But the surface was calm, not the one with big waves. Also, it was a perfect place for fishing. Wild fish.
Walls on the Lakeside

Lake Beside the Walls

When climbing the steps, we got to know how we were lacking of physical exercises and talked about doing some after. But like many other plans, it was put off too. I called my cousin several days ago; neither of us had put it into practice. Were the city people that busy or were we just lazy?

There was a Chinese chestnut on the mountain. It was said that the trees were planted in the Ming Dynasty. It was so unbelievable that after centuries’ time, they still stood proudly there. But to tell the truth, I did not like the smell. Also, there were some entertainment facilities and activities there, like pleasure boats, fishing, bonfire parties, etc. I was too tired to try all of them, but just had a cruise on one of those little pleasure boats. A group of people were doing outbound training. I really wanted to have a try. Maybe next time I can do it.

Although I was not regretting going there, I suggest those who want to see the real Great Wall going to other sections. Huanghuacheng is more like a place for refreshing and leisure, not a good place for enjoy the greatness of Great Wall.

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