- 游览丽江。不要在老城区停留超过2天,没有什么可做的。KRISS 2013年10月9日05:46
- 2013北京庙会BENNYLAU 2013年2月26日03:29
- 马来西亚人从吉隆坡-万博定制的zippo价格洛杉矶机场前往上海机场ZATI_DY 2013年1月3日20:15
2002年6月2日从新加坡起飞,乘坐新加坡航空公司飞往中国首都北京。因为我们乘坐的航班是凌晨1点15分。我觉得很饿,就去快餐店汉堡王买了一大袋洋葱圈和一块草莓奶油派,和姐姐分享。我乘坐的是SQ812航班,这是一架B777-200 Jubilee。找到了我的座位,一个靠过道的座位。振作起来,开始玩机上娱乐。我可以做很多有趣的事情,比如玩游戏、看电影等。酷吧?晚饭端上来了。吃了一个金枪鱼三明治很好吃。 Played and watched some short shows till 2 plus. Went to dream land.
6点起床。早上受到了空姐的欢迎。洗了。早餐是土豆煎蛋卷。看了布兰妮·斯皮尔斯的电影《十字路口》我刚要讲完,空姐对我说:“女士,我们要触摸了,介意你关掉机上娱乐吗?”我说好的。飞机7点多在北京降落。下了飞机。我得说,这是一次很棒的飞行。 Once I stepped out of the plane, I find the airport look totally way different since the last time I stop over in Beijing in 1998. Went through the custom and found our tour guide. Tour guide was a female. Got on the coach. The tour guide told us that the airport, which I stop over in 1998, was the old airport. Now the old airport was closed down, the one we arrived in was the new airport. I was very amazed as China had changed a lot, I was wondering if their standarnd of bathroom had changed too? We went to our 1st destination of the day, which wass Temple of Heaven. Which wass the largest of all parks in Beijing. Collectively known as the Temple of Heaven, one building stands out - the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest. This place was where the late emperor prays there for good harvest and the ancestor's stuff like that. The route to each different part is pretty long, I would say. There was a part, which there was a wall when you talk, and you put your ear on the wall, you would be able to hear what the other party on the wall is talking about but the wall is protected. Our next destination was the Forbidden City as known as Gu Gong in Chinese. It was the world's largest palace complex and covers 74 hectares. As Coach were not allowed to alight in front of the Forbidden City, we had to walk in. The day was simply so hot, everyone went to buy a bottle of ice-green tea or iced drinks to cool ourselves down. There's a part, which I find it amazing. The tour guide told us that the Emperor only got three or two days to spend time sleeping together with the Empress and these days were the only day to produce babies. I hope I did not sound gross or what. I saw where the Emperor used to sleep and where he hold meetings with the Minster etc. Within the Forbidden City is the Imperial Palace that was the residence of the emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. It was a remarkable complex of palaces and hall s comprising 9,000 rooms, all built of wood and bricks in an area of 250 acres. After visiting the whole of Forbidden City, We went for lunch at a Chinese restaurant, our very 1st lunch at Peaking (Beijing). After our lunch, we sat an hour or so coach to Summer Place. The summer place was sort of like a get-away resort for the Emperor and the royal family something like that. The palace grounds cover an area of 290 ha. Over three-quarters of which were covered by a landscaped lake. There was a boat made of marble floating on the lake
在结束我们的一天之前,我们去了一家珍珠工厂。每个人都得到了一颗珍珠,但我决定把它扔掉,因为是那个导游给我的。我本想问问哪里可以买到当地的音响,但又打消了问的念头。我决定在上海买我的探测仪。我们结束了第一天的旅行,回到城里吃晚饭。当我们的导游问我们是否想去当地的街道,看看当地的食物是什么。我们决定不参加,因为我们想参观天安门广场,也被称为天国的和平之门,这个景点对中国的中国公民来说是一个重要的地方,因为这个地方是每天,中国人民都会努力来看升旗仪式,这个地方将是他们庆祝重要的日子和事件的地方。因此,在我们入住酒店后,我们全家10人决定自己去参观天安门。我们跟着我叔叔出发了,向当地人询问去那个地方的方向。感谢上帝,他的普通话真的很好。 Mine uncle made a joke with me asking me to go and tell the guards there's no need to stand till so up-tight and asked me to tell him to be at ease. I was like :Oh man. You gotta be kidding. My chinese sucks big time and china people talk in such a fast way and their chinese was simply too good for me to understand.We walked all the way to the place. We started taking photos here and there. The lights were switched off, so we decided to walk back to the hotel and had our rest.
我想是7点起床的。我们在酒店的咖啡厅吃了早餐。这是一种东西方结合的早餐。一些愚蠢的韩国人占据了我们的桌子。我们家所有人都对韩国人很生气。我的姐姐,表妹JY,叔叔,阿姨,妈妈和我都想冲过去骂他们,但我们还是冷静下来了。我和姐姐甚至想用日语和猪拉丁语骂他们。去买早餐了。我们没有迟到,那个愚蠢的导游一直说我们迟到了,这对别人不公平。我说:去你的,闭上你的臭嘴。 Oh well, I ignored her and started mine day by reading mine book and looking at the scenery along the way. 1st destination of the day was The Great Wall of China. As the journey was long, I decided to take a nap. As we reached the place, I was so shocked that the Great Wall of China was so long. I climbed all the way to the 3rd stop and I gave up. I wondered how did the people who build the Great Wall of China were able to do it. As I set my foot on the Great Wall of China, i was simply feeling so strong and I though of mine late maternal grandma who had been to the Great Wall of China. I felt the way she was feeling and some other things of mine own. I simply felt great to be with mine loved one on a trip overseas.The Great Wall of China is one of mankind's greatest engineering achievements. First built during the spring and Autumn Period (770 - 467 BC), and extended from dynasty to dynasty, it meanders for some 6,400 km, across mountains and valleys. To keep the barbarians out and maintain the serenity of the "Middle Kingdom", it was Emperor Qin Shihuang of the Qin Dynasty (221 - 207 BC) who ordered that the walls be reinforced and linked together. More than 300,000 people were involved in its construction comprising 25,000 towers, each at 12 metres high. Cousin Jy and me went back to the bus to take a rest. I was reading my book and Cousin JY asked me to ask the bitch tour guide of ours what time is it. I told him just simply look at the coach's clock. We left the Great Wall of China and headed for lunch.
玉石厂是当天的第二个目的地。我不想下去,但我们的导游一直催着我和我的表弟JY下去。公共汽车司机叔叔允许我们留在车上。我在新加坡的阿姨打电话给我妈妈。每到那个时候,我真希望我姑姑能和我们在一起,她肯定能把我们的导游骂到闭上她那该死的嘴。午饭后,我们去了今天的第三个也是最后一个目的地——明十三陵。明十三陵是13位明朝皇帝的长眠之地。当我们下去的时候,这个地方非常凉爽,奇怪的是它没有空调。参观完明十三陵,导游说要小心当地人卖水果,因为他们会给你台币,台币看起来像中国货币,而且汇率更低。但是另一组的一位阿姨被骗了。 Oh well, Final stop is dinner and for us to look at the recording of us along our visit to the attractions. After that, went back to the hotel and rest for the day. I channel-surf for English MTV but however was too tired. I went to dreamland.
6点起床,在盒子里吃早餐。今天早上我们要乘飞机去南京,所以我们在长途汽车上吃了早餐。每人都得到了一罐可乐作为我们的饮料。谁会在早上喝这么蓬松的饮料?我想我们是7点左右到达机场的。办理了登机手续,还过了海关。关于当地人我能说些什么呢?他们根本没有排队意识,也没有基本的礼貌。为了进入海关,我们只好挤过去。上了飞机。起飞的时间到了,但飞机还没有起飞。The plane was delayed as some idoit left her bag with her tour guide and that tour guide went off and that idot was looking for the bag and I was like Hello, We are supposed to take off and you make 500 or more passenger waiting for an idoit. If This was some other country eg:United States of America(USA), the plane would have taken off.Finally it was settled but some idoits wanted to get off said that all the waiting made them waste their time. I was like Freak you idoit would you just get your butt into your seat. Finally the air-stewardess managed to calm those idoit and finally we took off at 8 plus going 9 i think. Was served drinks and some small snack. Touched down in Nanjing at 12. Found our tour-guide which was a guy. Nanjing has nothing much as matter of fact. We went for lunch and proceed to Huangshan City known as Anhui . The road was rocky and I was being shaked awaked 7 times. By the time we reached Huangshan City which was known as Anhui, it was 7 plus going on to 8. We met another guide of ours, a female guide for our trip in Yellow Mountain. Check in .We left our luggage in the room and went for dinner. We spent our night at Huangshan City bottom. Well, washed up and I again did Channel-surf for English MTV and read mine book by ending mine day.
7点是我们起床的时间。今天早上,我们要去黄山。吃完早餐,我们慢慢走到缆车站乘坐贡多拉。骑行大约10多分钟。我们到达了黄山。我们开始往酒店走去。我们住在黄山的狮子森林酒店,这是一家全新的酒店。黄山雄踞在安徽省黄山市的北面。最高峰海拔1800多米,景区面积154平方公里。米。 There were over 70 famous peaks; among these were three major peaks of Lotus Flower, Brightness Summit and Celestial Capital. Rare pines, grotesque rocks, seas of clouds and hot springs had been widely acclaimed the 'Four Wonders Under heaven". Seasonal landscapes like Sunrise Splendour and Buddha-Halo were blazing with colours and constantly changeable. The Jade Screen Tower, Lion Forest, The Beginning-To-Believe Peak, the West Sea, the Flower Showering Valley and the Pine Valley were the six highlights of the scenic area.
在我们去酒店的路上,我们看到很多苦力肩上扛着垃圾、行李和食物,不管你信不信,他们必须步行到黄山,大约需要3个多小时,我们可以很清楚地看到他们的肩膀上有瘀伤。导游告诉我们他们的报酬很低。我认为是廉价劳动力。每次他们把东西带到山上,他们会得到1美元或2美元的报酬,总的来说,所谓的雇主会扣除一些钱,如果我没记错的话,他们会得到大约200美元。一到酒店,我们就去办理入住手续,大多数人都去黄山玩了,只有我、表妹Jy、我的姑姑和我的一个姑姑太累了。我们呆在旅馆的大厅里休息。其余的人去了大约半小时的快速旅游,并在黄山山顶吃了我们的第一顿午餐。我的叔叔告诉我们:大米非常珍贵,因为苦力必须把大米搬上去,所以要把它们都吃光。午饭后,我们回到房间休息。大约3岁多的时候,我们大多数人都去了黄山的整个旅游,除了我的姑姑,表妹jy,奶奶呆在他们的房间里。我们选择了东台阶,因为它比西台阶短得多,也不像西台阶那么坚固。我们看到了许多美丽的风景。 We ended our tour at 6 plus. Went back to the hotel for a quick rest and had our dinner. As our rooms are below, in order to reach the dining place, we had to walk up to the dining place. While waiting for our seats, we were standing outside the dining place as the place directly face outside and the temperature at night was freezing cool although it is June only. But thanks to mine grandaunt, she lent me her thick jacket to me. While having dinner, the only way to keep my body warm is by drinking hot soup. After dinner, we went to take a look at the video taken for the day. The female guide told all of us that if we want to catch the daybreak and sunrise, we were to wake up at 4 am. Thus after watching the video, all of us went back to our room and rest for the day in order to catch the daybreak and sunrise.
早上4点是我们起床的时间。这是我这辈子最早醒来的时候。由于外面的温度很冷,我们穿上了夹克。我们出发去看黎明和日出。太阳在5点左右升起。的确,那是一幅壮丽的风景,我永远也不会忘记。很多人拍照。太阳落山后,大家都回旅馆吃早饭。早餐后,我们回到房间,退房。我们必须爬楼梯才能到达缆车站。 There was this freak idoit aunty who simply made use of mine mum. She kept on saying oh I'm tried. I was like freak you can you this freaking idoit just take your own luggage and stop asking my mum to help you while my dad ankle was already badly injured and yet he gotta carry a heavu luggage.Mine uncle kept on telling my mum in Pig Latin that not to help that idoit but my mum was simply so kind-hearted said it's ok. My elder sista and me carried our own luggage. And for goodness sake, I got muscel problem but i still gotta endure and climb the mountain if not I would not be able to get back in Singapore. All of us were panting like hell by the time we reached the Gondola (cable car) station. We took the Gondola and got on our coach. We proceed to a shopping place in Anhui Province. Got down to use the bathroom and walked around for a while and head back on the bus to read mine book and somehow I fell asleep. When I woke up an hour later, no one was on the bus except me and mine cousin JY. I went down again to use the bathroom again. Finally the bus left and headed to the place we were having for lunch. I got a big shock of mine life as the place we were having lunch was very run-down, mine whole family was so scared what the food is going to like? The food was not bad. Mine uncle said the hotel was a no star hotel, which I totally agreed. We left for our next destination, which is Yaolin Fairyland. We reached Yaolin Fairyland around 4 plus. Yaolin Cave. With an area of 40,000 sq. metres and a depth of 1,000 metres, Yaolin Cave consisted of 4 scenic sections. A dazzling variety of stalactites, stalagmites, stone pillars and stone screens form a world of sculptural works. When we went into the cave, the temperature was very cooling. We finished visiting the cave around 5 plus.
早上8点醒来。我们在酒店的咖啡厅吃了早餐。出发前往今天的第一个目的地,岳飞将军陵。建于1221年。这里是宋朝杰出爱国英雄岳飞将军的墓地。当我们走进寺庙,看到他写的关于他的国家的诗时,每个人都很感动,有些人甚至哭了。我们看到背叛岳飞将军的汉奸跪在一个角落,很多人泼在他们的雕像上,其实大家都以为是这对夫妇背叛了岳飞将军,但实际上在某种程度上是皇帝杀死了岳飞将军。参观完岳飞将军陵后,我们坐公共汽车去一家丝绸工厂。但是工厂10点才开门,所以我的表弟JY,姐姐和我都在车上看VCD。丝绸厂开业了,我们被展示如何生产丝绸。 After that, went to West Lake for our cruise on the west lake. We got on board of our boat and the scenery of west lake is so nice, foggy make it look so mystery in a way. It was surrounded by hills dotted with pavilions and pagodas on three sides. It has circumference of 12 km with ten locations of interest, including Snow Broken Bridge, the Three Pools Mirroring the Moon and the Viewing Fish at Flower Harbour. After cruising west lake, got on our coach and headed for lunch.
午饭后,我们出发前往下一个目的地——周庄水乡。在去周庄水乡之前,我们去了一家制作当地艺术的工厂。我们家从工厂得到很多艺术品。我们大约5点多到达周庄水村。绕着周庄水村走了一圈,风景是那么的令人惊叹。拍了很多照片,但是如果你拍到了当地的歌声,他们会要求你付钱,所以要小心。参观完周庄水乡,吃完饭,就前往上海。9点左右到达上海。我们去了黄浦江和外滩。黄浦江和外滩的夜景实在是太美了。 Captured lot of picture. We even saw the Oriental Pearl TV Tower; it was the world third tallest TV tower after the CN Tower in Toronto, Canada and Moscow TV Tower in Russia. It was just not simply a TV tower, inside it contains of hotel and restaurants etc. Finished visiting Shanghai night Scenery, went to check in into the hotel. By the time we reached the hotel, it was 12 midnight. Everyone was so tried, we quickly ended our day.
8点是我们起床的时间。我们在酒店的咖啡厅吃了早餐。这是我们吃过的最好的早餐。早餐有很多西餐。我有很多。我和jy表哥在中国吃了第一次也是最后一次吃薯条。今天的第一个目的地是外滩。昨天,我们看了外滩和黄浦江的夜景。今天早上是去看外滩和黄浦江的晨景。外滩,曾经是外国租界的一部分,不受当地人的限制。外滩当时是上海的金融中心,也被称为“东方华尔街”。 Captured lot of beautiful scenery. After that, went to Yuyan Garden. An official owned the Garden in the older days for his father leisure pleasure. Again, captured lot of beautiful scenery. After visiting the Garden, went to Chenghuangmiao. A place for tourist to shop. It was built in the Ming Dynasty. Presently, it was a prosperous and bustling shopping area after recent years of major reconstruction. We were given our own free time to shop. Mine cousin JY was thirsty, I offered him mine drink. While I was taking my bottle back from Jy...I feel something was burning... Then I realized it was me who got burn by mine uncle's cigarette... I got no intention of crying and I never want to cry... The pain was simply so painful. Tears just roll down my cheeks...My mum kept asking me not to cry...My Grandaunt, cousin and my elder sister told my mum, Look, We know she didn't want to cry and she got no intention of crying but the pain is really painful. It just simply comes out of her. One of mine grandaunt quickly apply ointment on mine burn area. I was feeling slightly better and went to window-shop around. Saw Starbuck, went in to take a seat and waited for others to finish shopping. After finishing shopping, we went for lunch.
午饭后,我们去了虹桥机场,老机场。去登记入住,和导游告别了。过海关了。在候机室等待我们的航班登机。在等飞机的时候,他看见了刚降落在上海的那位空姐。我的爸爸,我的姐姐,表妹jy和我就像在检查新加坡航空公司空姐的级别。我们见过一个空姐头领,因为在新加坡航空公司晋升为空姐头领是很难的,通常情况下我们可以看到助理空姐。还有几名助理空姐。我们乘坐的是新加坡航空公司的sq805航班。我们乘坐的飞机比我们从新加坡乘坐的那架大得多,这架飞机是波音777-300。 The plane departed at 4.20 from Shanghai. My seat this time was a window seat. Once again, I had so much fun with the In-flight Entertainment. Occupied myself by playing games, watching movies etc. I managed to finished the movie Crossroads in the end. Dinner was served. Had a Chicken set and ice cream as dessert. Yummy. Touched down in Singapore at 9 plus. Had such a great time in China.