- 游览丽江。不要在老城区停留超过2天,没有什么可做的。KRISS 2013年10月9日05:46
- 2013北京庙会BENNYLAU 2013年2月26日03:29
- 马来西亚人从吉隆坡-万博定制的zippo价格洛杉矶机场前往上海机场ZATI_DY 2013年1月3日20:15
台北又旧又新。台北车站是我见过的最大也是最令人困惑的车站。你在找捷运线。那是地铁。如果你去太鲁阁,在花莲住一晚。他们不说Ta-roko。他们说Tai-roko。汉字是一个为太。一天就能走完,但我试过了,没时间去公园散步或徒步。城市公共汽车需要2个小时才能到达。 I couldn't find a tour bus from the train station. There is a tour you can book from your hotel. It flies you into Hualien and has a tour bus waiting so that you can take some time to stroll in the park. I didn’t do it, but now I think it’s probably worth it, about $120US as I recall. Taipei 101 is awesome. I enjoyed the night markets. They are filled mostly with university students. You need a friend to find the really good restaurants but I like street or stall cooking. And it was fun.
中山是全新的。就好像他们把所有的旧建筑都夷为平地,然后重新建造。那里有一些绿树成荫的街道,所以他们至少在10年前就修建了较老的部分。不错,但缺乏个性。除了许多来自夏威夷的中国人在该地区有根外,没有理由去那里。我家来自南浪。那是普通话拼写。广东人叫南龙。但令人惊讶的是,出租车司机不会说广东话。他说普通话。 My tip is to always negotiate the price before hand in Zhongshan. After all, a trip to Nanlang was really a tour. We settled on 60 RMB. But it only took 20 minutes to go there and see the town. Plus, I ate my best bowl of handmade noodles there. It’s the ubiquitous dish in China. They call it niurou tang mian. Beef soup with beef and noodles. You can also have niutang jiaozi. With dumplings. I still had two hours before the ferry left so I agreed to a tour of the city, Zhongshan, minus the girls. But I didn’t negotiate that. That took another 25 minutes. Cost me 300 RMB. And the driver wouldn’t budge. I said “pianyi ma?” He said no. I said er bai kuai qian. $200 RMB. Nope. Bu xing. But I’m in China, the Iron Curtain, police state, I don’t want to be jail especially with the amount of Chinese I have. So I paid. Be warned.
桂林是中国最美丽的两个地方——阳朔和平安——的起点。桂林虽然是一个很大的现代城市。它有一堆15-20层的建筑,到处都是新建筑。有人警告过我,出租车司机不要载老外到我住的小旅馆。所以当一个出租车司机缠了我大约三分钟,我走开了,走进了夜色,我没理他。不行,不行。不希望的。他走后,我完全迷失了。转向走在我旁边的一个人,用中文问他:“妈妈,你好吗?”他回答说是的。 Lordy. He walked me half an hour to my hotel. Tip: Don’t take the 400RMB tour to Ping’an offered at the airport Information Counter. They will offer it to you for 140RMB at the hotel. Or you can pay 15RMB if you’re up to catching the local bus yourself. Plus a 50RMB entrance fee at Ping’an.
是我住过的最难以想象的地方。首先,你要坐两个小时的城市公交车到山脚下一个狭窄的河谷里,瑶族人会在那里炫耀他们的头发,一直延伸到地面。然后你换一辆小一点的公交车,它可以在险峻的弯道上爬上非常陡峭的山。最后,你会在平安的入口处下车,这里也被称为隆基梯田。往上走几百级台阶,再往上走1000英尺,你就会看到古老瑶族风格的粗糙雪松建筑。风景如画。几年前,你会在一个农民的房子里得到一个空房间,和农民吃的一样。现在,雪松林里的酒店都挂着霓虹灯。我的房间有空调、电视和西式厕所,应有尽有。食物棒极了。 I paid 80RMB, but I’m sure it will go up by the time you get there. The internet said 15RMB just before I left, May 09. And the views were stunning and worth it. Tip: they plant in early May. Before then, the fields are dry and colorless but still magnificent, I’m told.
几年前,阳朔还是一个被背包客发现的寂静村庄。我是在一个叫中国背包客的网站上发现这个地方的。如今,它是中国最美丽的地方之一,是国内外旅游的繁华中心,500英尺高的喀斯特石灰岩山从平原上陡峭地伸出来,河流如画般地蜿蜒流过。它是无数中国丝绸卷轴的素材。西街曾经是背包客的中心,那里的旅馆和酒吧为外国鬼子提供服务。今天,它是一个步行街,到处都是古玩、小饰品和其他珍贵的中国物品,是购物者的天堂。但喀斯特地貌的山丘仍然主宰着小镇,非常美丽。附近是兴坪,号称漓江的一部分,是最美丽的。兴平就是阳朔以前的样子。离镇大约10英里。 Old buildings and narrow alleyways. And a big bus parking lot. You know what will happen next. Or you can bike out west toward the Yulong River where the two lane country road narrows to one big macadam road to a rutted dirt road to a walking path built between rice paddies. This I suppose is what they say is the “real” China. For my money, the real China is Zhongshan, completely new and dizzying.
香港的影子。上海更大。每隔几英里就有一个市中心,每个中心都有60层的玻璃和钢铁高层建筑。浦东是城市的新区,有最大的建筑。显然是富裕的一方。街道太大了,行人很少。大多数人都是开车在这个地区游玩的。黄浦江对岸的外滩,当我在那里的时候,正在为2010年的上海世博会进行全面的建设。你必须爬上建筑栅栏才能看到浦东的夜景。豫园并不是繁忙的上海的休憩之地。 It is a shopping eating mecca for thousands of tourists, some of who refuse to pay the 40RMB to enter the real gardens. The shopping gardens are pretty anyway. And all the old town around the area are not old and quaint anymore, they are under construction for the Expo. But like Hong Kong, Shanghai is all about food. You definitely need a local guide to get the best food. And most of it is in the local section of HuaiHai Lu, about two miles from the river. In the French Concession area. Tip: use the Metro. It is the best. The signs are color coded and every platform has a sign showing every stop coming up for the train at that side of the platform.
苏州就像一个相当大的城市里的一颗小宝石。运河和山塘街的面积很小,小到可笑。我在网上看到的地图看起来好像你可以从一个世界遗产花园走到另一个,但实际上你不能。拙政园在留园的另一边,如果你乘公交车,你需要知道这两个地方的中文名字,分别是卓镇园和柳园。另外,去卓镇园的公交车站也不叫那个,它叫苏州博武馆或苏州博物馆,因为它就在花园的隔壁。大约20分钟的公共汽车或10-15元的出租车。一个学生一直问我为什么要赶公共汽车,我说赶出租车太容易了。苏州山塘运河非常漂亮,很多新娘都喜欢去那里拍婚纱照。所以,当你漫步时,你会看到这些穿着中国传统旗袍或旗袍的漂亮女人的照片。小贴士:如果你想拍摄著名的山塘照片,在日落前一小时左右找到你的位置,他们会提前开灯,这样你就可以在红灯笼反射在自然光线下的水面上拍照。 Just beautiful.
是我的最爱。因为至少在湖边几英里的地方,都是树木覆盖的公园,到处都是面向水面的长椅。下午5点左右,你可以坐在相对安静和美丽的地方,看着太阳在著名的雷锋塔后面落下。因为有雾霾,日落特别鲜艳,橙黄色的。此外,湖上有几十条各种各样的船,许多都是由一个人划着的,就像在意大利的贡多拉上一样,他们在垂死的太阳的微光中出现。杭州也是中国一些最著名的茶园的所在地,其中有著名的龙井茶。深绿色的田野很美,国家茶叶博物馆的庭院是我见过的最精美的。杭州也是中国丝绸的中心。但是,如果一件真正的老式高领布扣真丝衬衫480-650元的价格对你来说太贵了,那就考虑一件纯棉或棉布衬衫吧。我买了一个,我觉得很漂亮,花了50元。 The prices started at 60-90RMB. Tip: I had read that you should always offer at most half of whatever the shop person asked. Even as little as 20 percent. They laughed at me. I never really had anyone go down to less than about 80 percent. They let you walk away easily. My tip is walk away, let them make the second offer.