About Li-Jing Hotel @ XI-AN city

Written by Feb 27, 2010 08:48
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I have been to Xi-An city on few occassions, all past visits were pleasant and beautiful. However, this time round I had a very bad encounter when I lodged in at Li-Jing Hotel. This hotel itself is located near to Bell Tower (also near to Melody Hotel), very convenient and have a nice scenary. However, the front desk receptionist are like 'hooligans'! It could be due to this hotel has 'no star rating', but let me tell you, the room rates are not cheap as compare to its reputation.

I have stayed in their standard rooms, and one evening I requested to reserve a sreet-view room the following day as I would like to have a better view on the street scenary. To my surprise, the receptionist replied: 'we can't reserve for you, it base on a first-come-first serve policy'. I was stunned by her words. Even for a 4-star hotel like Bell Tower hotel, do accept reservations thru internet. whatmore if I will to do it personally.

This trip supposed to be a memorable outing as it falls within our Chinese Lunar New Year, however, because of this incident, my mood was gone! Eventually, I lodged in @ Bell Tower Hotel. The front-desk staff were superb, compare to those at Li-Jing Hotel, is like Heaven & Hell........

Last but not least, this is my own personal encounter, you may just take it as reference when you guys visit XI-AN in future. But, I will definitely advised all friends of mine NEVER NEVER NEVER stay in Li-Jing Hotel as the staff there will mess-up and spoil your mood......

More 西安旅游里万博定制的zippo价格维ws
1.A Second Visit to Xian CARMEN_01 from France Feb 3, 2010 02:33
2.Xian Trip ROSEKNIGHT from China Jan 4, 2010 00:49
3.Two-day's Travel in Xi'an MENG from United States Dec 30, 2009 19:54
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