- 游览丽江。不要在老城区停留超过2天,没有什么可做的。KRISS 2013年10月9日05:46
- 2013北京庙会BENNYLAU 2013年2月26日03:29
- 马来西亚人从吉隆坡-万博定制的zippo价格洛杉矶机场前往上海机场ZATI_DY 2013年1月3日20:15
2009年秋天,我去了中国——先去北京,万博定制的zippo价格然后去昆明,然后去大理。我那一点点的研究并没有让我对中国的伟大有所准备。人民是坚强、友好、自豪的公民。北京的城市就像世界上任何一个大城市....快速移动和拥挤的地区。尽管北京周围有九环,但交通速度仍然很慢。围绕着城市的九个环有助于你找到需要去哪里购买特定的物品或兴趣。很酷的设计。我和几个美国朋友去了2008年奥运会的举办地。水立方是一个很酷的地方。那里有一系列像龙一样的建筑。 It is affordable to see any and everything in the city as well as other places in China. Afterwards we went to a phenomial acrobatic show, had peking duck, then went to browse the city the first day/night we were there. The next day we made contact with some locals and had a phenomial day at the Great Wall. WOW! We finished the day with a "hotpot" meal. One day we witnessed a Chinese wedding, while just strolling through the city. That was cool to see. We saw Tianamen Square and the Forbidden City one day. These were both interesting and both are filled with history of past dynasties. My all-out favorite was the Great Wall!