DR.TEA | |
2005年11月11日21:00 | |
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今年夏天我在那里,想回去一些荔枝茶! 电话号码的底部我的信息表0086 10 82083648 62063691(好像很多号码!) |
2005年11月12日19:59 | |
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嘿! !你们真的不知道Alep想要什么。我感到惊讶。现在让我联系博士茶的起源。茶最早种植的植物上世纪西藏偏远的山区。植物与我们今天知道的茶植物。这是因为土壤质量差和极端寒冷的环境。因此,茶叶中谭恩更集中,因为植物叶小而厚。indigenious山人民干香的叶子和使用它。他们点燃干茶叶在他们退休之前上床睡觉。 The smoke from the dried tea leaves gives those who inhale it a sense of euphoria. A heavenly feeling while you sleep. And with your wife or husband lying at your side...(you can imagin the rest.) Soon, people from the other regions of China heard about this. Some unscruples businessman enlisted the help of the village medicine man to harvest all the available tea plants from the mountains. The tea plants thus become extinct in Tibet. The harvested tea leaves were dried, packaged and sold in the early days as Love Tea and touted the tea as being invented by the village doctor. Thus the name evolved into Dr. Tea. However, since the original tea plants have become extinct, so do Dr. Tea. However, new tea plants are now grown in various parts of China. However they do not have the concentrated tanin value and cannot be used as an incense. A smart guy came up with an idea. He added hot water to the tea leaves and drank the concoction. He felt a sense of well-being. Thus the art of drinking tea was born. So you can see that Alep was serious when he asked for the telephone number of Dr. Tea. What he did not know was that Dr. Tea is extinct. And in those days Dr. Tea don't carry a mobile so you can't contact him either. get a horse and ride up the mountains?? |
2006年9月10日08:17 | |
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我刚从北京回来,买了一些茶,茶博士…会看到,如果我能找到一个数字。 |
2006年9月12日,十四37 | |
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有一种特殊的方式进入博士茶的电子邮件地址?我放在vip.sina.com | drtea1884 被拒绝是无法投递的。 去年我在北京,有一些神奇的茶博士茶商店。我尤其喜欢 普洱茶。现在我跑出去到处都找不到。 他们有一个邮购部门吗? 你能帮助吗? |
2006年10月24日20:59 | |
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你在找茶博士在北京? 如果是这样: No.1Min祖茂堂元路朝阳。区。北京 电话号码:0086-10-82083648 62063691传真:010 - 82077030 |
2008年10月5日15:40 | |
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我所遇到的茶博士是一个茶农场以外的杭州和他在他所做的非常好。我没有电话号码,但在2004年,他说他有一个网站。我现在在杭州,我试图找到这个地方。试图无视所有什么都没有提供的愚蠢的评论“中国专家”,似乎在这个地点上。他们正忙着试图找到和住在中国的过去。 |