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08:32 Dec 9, 2010
# 11
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Colours is

Sky blue


Sky blue
The purple
Mr Brown
The Yellow River


Ti ā nlan
Z ǐ
Bul m: ng
Hu: and se
L ǜ
H ē ise
F ě nhong se
Dec 13, 2010 02:57
# 12
  • BBQQ
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Dear Atta,

Yellow means "Yellow", not the Yellow river. Brown means "Brown" or "Brown" in Chinese, not Brown. Keep up!You 've made great progress.
Dec 13, 2010 03:00
# 13
  • BBQQ
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Referring to "Names of week," we have other ways of saying. Take Monday for example, we can say on Monday, and on Monday. On Monday They mean the same thing.
05:39 Dec 14, 2010
# 14
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Thanks, I need your correction pl.
06:16 Dec 14, 2010
# 15
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Originally Posted by BBQQ

Dear Atta,

Yellow means "Yellow", not the Yellow river. Brown means "Brown" or "Brown" in Chinese, not Brown. Keep up!You 've made great progress.

(Can you translate it for me in Chinese language both please?)
A contributor made by animals
Dogs bark
Asses bray
Birds chirp
Cock crow
Ducks quack
Frogs croak
Crows caw
Horse neigh
Parrots, talk
Goats bleat
Monkey chatter
Snakes hiss
Elephant trumpet
Dec 14, 2010 May flee
# 16
  • BBQQ
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There are a lot of imitative words (onomatopoeia) that are 2 describe animal 's contributor. You may need to learn some of these words.

Dogs bark dog we usually use "wang wang"

Birds chirp bird called "chirp" (tweets)
Asses the donkey bray hissed
Cock crow roosters crow "oh oh"
Ducks quack duck call "gaga"
Frogs croak frog called "quack"
Crows caw caw "wow - wow -"
Horse Horse neigh called "hiss"
Parrots parrot talk
Goats bleat goat named "baa baa"
Monkey Monkey chatter is called "chirp"
Snakes snake hiss "hiss" call
Elephant trumpet as bellow

PS: Asses, horses and snakes to both "hissed," but later they are totally marketers.
Dec 15, 2010, declare
# 17
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Thanks for your kindness, I shall difference you some more questions if it is work for you.
Later I want to learn, what is difference in translation, if there is some awkward meanings.
00:30 Dec 16, 2010
# 18
  • BBQQ
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Originally Posted by ATTA_BUTT

Thanks for your kindness, I shall difference you some more questions if it is work for you.
Later I want to learn, what is difference in translation, if there is some awkward meanings.

No problem. I will do my best to help you my I am not very proficient in English.
00:37 Dec 16, 2010
# 19
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Zuo q: and Do paint to paint
Don 't Don't Buyao
Yes yes, Shi DE
No No Meiy ǒ u
Go to Qu
As you wish As you wish Ru n ǐ su ǒ yuan
Last Come to Lai,
Well last come to H m: o lai
Today Today J and nri
Tomorrow Tomorrow Mingti ā n
Yesterday Yesterday Zuoti ā n
The Day after tomorrow the Day after tomorrow Houti ā n
The Day before yesterday the Day before yesterday Qianti ā n
09:01 Dec 26, 2010
# 20
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Originally Posted by BBQQ

No problem. I will do my best to help you my I am not very proficient in English.

Both Please translate in Chinese
Bees hum
Camels grunt
Cows moo
Doves coo
Flies buzz
Hens cluck
Wolves how
Lion roar
Pigeons coo
Mice squeak
The Sheep bleat
Sparrows chirp
Animal yelp
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