什么导致了金融危机? | |
2009年1月6日22:19 | |
什么导致了金融危机?至于原因,一些人有一些非常“卓越的想法”。保尔森,他将辞去美国财长表示,这些新兴市场的高储蓄率引起的全球失衡导致了全球经济危机的原因。 你知道为什么在美国房地产有泡沫吗?这是中国人民的错。伯南克、美国美联储的主席说,中国的高储蓄率归因于美国房地产泡沫。 你觉得这两个大人物的观点吗? 你可以看看这个页面:http://www.earnmoremoney.com.cn/ |
2009年1月7日20:31 | |
如果中国没有自卑情结在此之前,他们现在可能有一个。:) 认真想想,吉米,你是正确的,这两个大人物没有合法的理由让这些言论,不幸的是没有法律来起诉他们。 换句话说,他们充满热空气! 悲伤,但当美国陷入困境他们看向外寻找责怪(指责伊拉克911年,核武器等)指责中国为美国的经济管理不善等。 |
2009年1月8日19:02 | |
如果你看看保尔森的简历,你会发现他属于最大的赢家”集团在这混乱的游戏,结果抑郁。 |
2009年1月14日,00:31 | |
总之....民主党。我不确定每个人都错过了,但这里是一个快速概述。房利美(Fannie Mae)是由富兰克林·罗斯福在1938年帮助美国家庭购买一套房子,这当然是美国梦。一个非常值得jesture。他们开始作为一个联邦机构和essensence买/担保从银行抵押贷款,从而允许银行把更多的钱借给新购房者。不用说,银行只会贷款给信用的借款人,如拥有稳定工作的人有机会操作的贷款。但是当它开始向南走,民主党人开始使用这个机构为他们自己的利益。在70年代早期,奥巴马,当他与Acorn集团起诉一群银行不贷款给不理想的信用风险,即人们很少或根本没有工作经历,不良信用,等,主要由少数民族组成。电荷是银行“红色衬里”专为racisim的原因。 Despite the banks argument of credit risk, and the adversion to bad loans, Obama countered with Fannie Mae who would buy up most of these loans and it was the banks responsibility to lend to these higher risk borrowers. Guess what, he won and down the slipperly slope we went. When Jimmy Carter (Democrat) entered office, he decided that Fannie Mae was such a solid on going concern, he decided to "Privatize" the agency but didn't want to create a monopoly. So he created Freddie Mac, which did the same thing as Fannie Mae and was also a private company. And guess who got the CEO and high executive positions? Democratic party leaders and officials. Then when Bill Clinton (Democrat) entered office, he deregulated the reporting requirements for both companies and instructed them to start buying even higher risk loans before he left office. And guess who was the CEO of Freddie Mac who just stepped down after the crisis? Bill Clinton's White House Financial Advisor! Now here is the funniest part, Franklin Raines was the CEO of Fannie Mae in 2001/2 and was fired because he was "manipulating the books" and falsifing documents. But did he face any criminal charges? NO! Was he allowed to keep his $50 million dollars in bonuses? YES! But that is not the funny part, the funny part is that he is now the new Financial Advisor for Obama! If it wasn't so halarious I would cry. |
2009年1月14日,00:31 | |
现在是危机的不那么快的解释。房利美和房地美从银行贷款打折买的。举个例子,如果银行总计1亿美元的贷款,比方说10%,房利美和房地美将购买9%的回报让银行保持1%的制造和管理抵押贷款,并给他们1亿美元,使更多的贷款。好一段时间后,房利美和房地美将数十亿数十亿美元的抵押贷款,所以他们所做的是“证券化”贷款和问题的大水桶一个叫做“资产支持证券”支付的利率远高于美国国债。因为这些资产支持证券代表大量的贷款,正常的失败率的百分比(非付费morgages)不会影响利息支付。加在我们的“认知”的支持下,它使这些证券高流动性和被认为是和美国一样好T注意,但更高的回报率。因此,每个银行、经纪公司、养老基金、甚至私人企业将使用这些工具“公园”其现金,因为它有一个更高的回报,可能在一夜之间被清算。但过去5 - 8年左右房利美和房地美开始incurr更高的损失由于积极的购买风险更高的抵押贷款被克林顿指示。但是因为首席执行官的奖金与利润和由于克林顿的放松管制的报告要求,他们都藏的损失,这样他们可以收集他们的每年9000万美元的奖金。所以当新闻了,没有人知道损失的程度,每个人都抛弃这些证券立刻就发现没有人想要他们。 So this highly liquid security became un-sellable. Needless to say, every domestic and foriegn entity who held these securities became highly illiquid overnight. Banks liquidity ratios went upside down preventing them to make anymore loans, business' could not make current liabilities to pay employees and vendors, and the economy stopped dead in it's tracks. |
2009年1月14日,00:31 | |
现在这是我的,不是那么糟糕,如果真的有人看着这些证券到底发生了什么。截至目前为止,有大约5%的不良贷款池中。大多数美国人支付他们的抵押贷款。记住,这些证券担保对房地产。所以房地产价值100%的购买价格?没有。70% ?,也许,50% ?绝对的。房地产价格以外的佛罗里达,最多只有下跌20 - 25%。所以真正的损失不超过5%的一半。 The securities are still paying interest to those who own them and the only problem I see is liquidity (being able to sell them). The $700 Billion dollar bail out was suppose to back these securities (I thought) and re create the market and provide liquidity which should have resolved the original problem, But for some starnge reason I can't fathom, half of the bail out money was used but not for that purpose. Instead, Bernackie bought up credit card debt with the money and then there is the bank, AIG, and auto makers bail out. Confidence is the new problem that I see and the people who caused this mess are now running the show. God help us all. |
2009年1月14日18:57 | |
什么导致深度赤字和触发器在房地产消费者失去信心?很容易拿起一柄节山羊来保护那些制造阴谋的恐惧和贪婪。破坏比建筑更容易。玩家可以继续生产,直到真正的危机coms只要他们仍然有权力。然而,是时候让实干家做球员不能够处理的东西。 |