
Suzhou Travel Reviews

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Mar 5, 2007 20:03

The Chinese have a famous saying: 上有天堂,下有苏杭. In the sky is Heaven’s paradise, on Earth is Suzhou and Hangzhou. In the Chinese conception Suzhou, and neighboring Hangzhou, are the closest things to Heaven on Earth.

This statement ...Details

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Feb 23, 2007 09:02

Who first named it the Venice of the Orient? Could it have been that famous Venetian explorer and Emperor’s favorite who left his own waterways behind to be pulled into the tidal rhythms of 12th century China?

Perhaps, though we’ll probably never know for sure. One thing that is ...Details

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Jun 2, 2006 01:06

One of the great joys of living in a faraway place like China is having an opportunity to share exciting travel experiences with those you love. Visits by friends and family open new doors of adventure as together you experience the beauty of ancient sights, the distinct cultural differences of an ancient ...Details

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Jun 15, 2005 14:06

Badabings. Squeezed in almost anonymously on that avenue of neon that is Funghuang Jie in Suzhou’s downtown. Suzhou is about two hours outside (and about twenty years behind) Shanghai. A pub on a street eaten up by restaurants. Badabings wants to be different. From the outside it looks like ...Details

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Feb 22, 2005 14:02

I was not impressed! Not by the Suzhou city.

But if you have heard about heaven on earth, "It is nearby!" Not in the main city but if you visit the nearby towns called Tongli or Si Tang, you will know what I mean!

The Suzhou city was not up to my expectations. At least after ...Details

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Feb 16, 2005 23:02

I was just recovering from a bad stomach in Hangzhou when my friend got the great idea to take the boat on the Emperors Channel to Suzhou.

Even though trains and busses go faster, we thought travelling like the Emperor in ancient times would be a great change from regular means of transportation. ...Details

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Apr 1, 2004 15:04

I Have visited more Chinese cities than most Chinese but the jewel of those I have been to is Suzhou and the Garden of the Master of the Nets in Spring my favourite place.

I am continually saddened by misrepresentation of China in our press by hacks clearly ignorant of the country. Chinese people ...Details

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