
北海Travel Reviews

Oct 28, 2006 10:10

Guangxi was already a charming province before it acquired the extra territory of Beihai from Guangdong in 1954 so as to provide the province with a port. Guangxi is the home of the rice paddied, mountain studded Guilin and Yangshuo; it is the tropical gateway to Vietnam and lies snuggled up to the ...Details

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Oct 21, 2006 10:10

I plucked the book from the wicker rack hanging on the wall of my beautiful hotel toilet – a picture of the azure sea on the front cover and four Chinese characters resplendently proclaiming: Blue Blue Bei Hai!

This was the place I'd dreamt of seeing for so long – the legendary little ...Details

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Jun 28, 2006 12:06

I decided that I wanted to go by bus to Beihai from Chongquing, what I did'nt realize was the length and time it took to get to Nanning. 15 hours. Also that there were no bathrooms on the bus. Wow. I decided to take the trip anyway and see for myself what the country was like and to mix with the other ...Details

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Aug 31, 2005 08:08

On Guangxi’s short southern coastline, Beihai is famous for its beaches but it is a fishing port first and foremost. Although it now attracts many visitors and offers a variety of attractions and services, fishing has been its mainstay. And like many Chinese coastal villages and towns, very ...Details

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