Zibo Train

Zibo North Railway Station

Zibo North Railway Station serves high speed trains to/from Beijing, Shanghai, Qingdao, Jinan and etc.

这是about 15 kilometers (9 miles) from city center, about 15 kilometers (9 miles) from Zibo Railway Station and about 35 kilometers (22 miles) fromLinzi North Railway Station.

Address: Zhongxin Road, Zhangdian District

Zibo North Railway Station Train Schedule

(Last Update on Apr 20, 2022)
To Trains Duration Ticket Fare (CNY)
First/ Second Class Seat
G1068, G1088, G1074, G1078 from 12:13 to 18:00 2h41m - 3h10m CNY 350/ 213
USD 55/ 34
G6965, G6923, D8181, D8181...
13 departures from 09:29 to 20:16
1h19m - 2h00m CNY 132/ 82.5
USD 21/ 13
D6020, D6020, G1842, G1842...
31 departures from 06:53 to 20:21
0h22m - 1h13m CNY 43/ 27
USD 7/ 4
G1074, G1078 at 16:25 and 18:00 2h20m - 2h33m CNY 261/ 160
USD 41/ 25
G1842, D1648, D1648, G2054 from 08:01 to 14:55 2h14m - 3h15m CNY 223/ 140
USD 35/ 22
G1842, G278, G318, G2054 from 08:01 to 14:55 4h18m - 5h28m CNY 547.5/ 343
USD 86/ 54
G1842 at 08:01 10h36m CNY 1,187.5/ 748
USD 187/ 118
G1842, G2054 at 08:01 and 14:55 6h26m - 7h27m CNY 900/ 563.5
USD 142/ 89
D6051, G6965, G6911, G6923...
14 departures from 07:54 to 20:16
0h27m - 0h42m CNY 49/ 29.5
USD 8/ 5
G1074, G1078 at 16:25 and 18:00 2h20m - 2h33m CNY 261/ 160
USD 41/ 25
The above schedule is for reference only. For real-time schedule and ticket booking, please click the arrival stations.

Major Rail Lines from the Station to:

Station Plan of Zibo North Railway Station

Zibo North Train Station has four floors:
-1F: transfer hall
1F: the exit hall
2F: the entrance hall, ticketing office and VIP waiting room
3F: waiting hall

After getting off the train, passengers can take city buses, long distance buses, or taxis in the front square.

How to Get to Zibo North Railway Station

Passengers can take city bus 58/K58, 108/K108, 164, 191, 203, 206, 223 or 263 to get to Zibo North Railway Station.

How to Get toZibo Railway Stationfrom Zibo North Railway Station

Passengers can take city bus 58/k58/108/K108 to get there directly.

Taking a taxi, the price would be around CNY 40 and the duration is about 35 minutes.

How to Get to Famous Scenic Spots

Yuanshan National Forest Park

Take city bus 58/K58 to East City Bus Stop (Gongjiao Dongzhan), then transfer to city bus 171 on the opposite of the road to get to Yuanshan National Forest Park.

Or take a taxi to get there. The taxi fare would be around CNY120 with duration of about one hour and 20 minutes.

Yiyuan Karst Cave

Take city bus 58/K58 to East City Bus Stop and take city bus 171 on the opposite of the road to Nanlushan Town, then transfer to city bus 527 to get to Yiyuan Karst Cave.

Or take city bus 223 to Passenger Transportation Center, then take Zibo-Yiyuan Long Distance Bus which departs every fifteen minutes to Tumen Town. After, take city bus 527 to get to Yiyuan Karst Cave. The ticket fare of the long distance bus is CNY 20.

Taking a taxi, the duration would be about 1 hour and 20 minutes and the taxi fare is around CNY 120.
- Last modified on Apr. 20, 2022 -
Questions & Answers on Zibo North Railway Station
Asked byEllafrom GERMANY | Jun. 30, 2020 18:05Reply
How to get to Ramada Zibo Hotel? How long and how much does it take by taxi?
Answers (1)
Answered byBob Wong| Jul. 02, 2020 20:34
0 0 Reply

It is very near to each other. The taxi ride takes no more than 20 minutes and the price is about CNY10.
Asked byFelipefrom USA | Aug. 12, 2019 19:04Reply
Train from Zibo to Mt. Taishan
Is there direct train to Mt Taishan?
Answers (1)
Answered byNickolasfrom CANADA | Aug. 13, 2019 19:31
0 0 Reply

Yes, sure! For high speed rides, there are 10 rides from Zibo main station to Taian Station, the high speed station. If you use normal rides, there are also 14 rides from main statin to Taishan Station.
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