
Xi'an - Huangshan Train

At present, there is one pair of high speed trains shuttling between Xi'an and Huangshan on a daily basis. The running distance is as long as 1,497 km (930 mi) and the duration for them to complete a single journey is about 8 hours. CNY 664.5 is needed to take a second class seat of bullet trains. No normal speed trains connect these two cities directly.

Basic Facts of Xi'an - Huangshan Train

Duration: about 8 hours
Distance: 1,497 km (930 mi)
Top speed: 350 km/h (217 mph)
Operated at:Xi'an North Railway Station,Huangshan North Railway Station
Major stations along the way: Lingbao West, Luoyang Longmen, Zhengzhou East, Minquan North, Shangqiu, Xiaoxian North, Xuzhou East, Suzhou East, Bengbu South, Huainan East, Hefei South, Wuwei, Tongling North, Jingxian, Shexian North

Xi'an to Huangshan High Speed Train Schedule

(Last Update on Mar 2, 2022)
Train No. Departure - Arrival Travel Time
G2390 07:17 - 17:09 9h52m
G1904 10:58 - 18:49 7h51m
G862 12:05 - 19:21 7 h16m
G3186 12:11 - 19:46 7h35m
See moreXi'an Schedule

Huangshan to Xi'an Bullet Train Timetable

(Last Update on Mar 2, 2022)
Train No. Departure - Arrival Travel Time
G2389 09:30 - 19:21 9h51m
G1902 10:49 - 18:14 7h25m
G3184 11:26 - 19:05 7h39m
G860 13:51 - 21:01 7h10m
See moreHuangshan Schedule
Note: The above timetable is only for reference. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search box on page top.

Xi'an - Huangshan High Speed Train Ticket Fare

(Last Update on Mar 2, 2022)

Business Class Seat First Class Seat Second Class Seat
CNY 1,992.5 - 2,056.5
USD 309 - 319
CNY 1,024.5 - 1,070
USD 159 - 166
CNY 638.5 - 660.5
USD 99 - 102

Transfer in Xuzhou East for More High Speed Trains

In view of the fact that only one pair of trains is operated between these two cities, passengers are recommended to take a transfer in Xuzhou so as to have more choices.
Schedule Duration Ticket Fare for a Second Class Seat
Xi'an North - Xuzhou East About 20 pairs from around 06:26 - 19:43 About 3.5 - 5 hours CNY 388
Xuzhou East - Huangshan North Over 10 pairs from around 06:58 - 19:28 About 3.5 hours CNY 276.5
Total - 7 - 8.5 hours CNY 664.5

Other Transportation Option: Xi'an - Huangshan Flight

There is direct flight flying betwen Xi'an and Huangshan three times a week. The flight flying from Xi'an to Huangshan departs at 12:50 and the flight flying from Huangshan to Xi'an departs at 20:25. The duration of the journey is around 2 hours. Ticket price for economy class usually varies around CNY 800-1,000. In low travel season, ticket price can be as low as around CNY 300 - 550.

Xi'an - Huangshan Train vs. Flight

Schedule Travel Time Ticket Price
Train 1 pair per day around 8 hours CNY 664.5 for a second class seat
Flight 3 pairs per week about 2 hours About CNY 800-1,000 for economy class on usual days

In one word, trains are recommended to passengers traveling budget while flights are more popular among affordable travelers. However, in low travel season, flight can be a better choice in consideration of both travel time and travel cost.

Major Rail Lines from Xi'an to:
- Last modified on Jan. 01, 2020 -
Questions & Answers on Xi'an - Huangshan Train
Asked byHaywood| Dec. 30, 2019 19:20Reply
Can you recommended train with lower cost from Xi'an to Huangshan?
We are students planning to travel during our holidays. High speed train ticket price is a little bit high for us. Can you recommended some other way of travel with lower costs? Thank you for your help in advance.
Answers (1)
Answered byTravelChinaGuide| Jan. 01, 2020 18:08
0 0 Reply

Thank you for your inquiry.

For direct rail, high speed rides is the only option. If you can transfer in other city first, you may consider to take an overnight sleeper train from Xi'an to Hefei and then change to a high speed train to Huangshan. By taking hard sleeper and second class seat, the cost could be lowered to about CNY400 per person. It can also save you one night hotel cost too. Hope this information can help you.
Asked byRavenfrom HUNGARY | May. 30, 2019 03:14Reply
Can I have my paper tickets delivered to my hostel in Huangshan?
When will you arrange the delivery as I will stay only one night? Do I need to show my passport to fetch it?
Answers (1)
Answered byTravelChinaGuide| May. 30, 2019 19:00
0 0 Reply

Thank you for your inquiry.

We can arrange delivery to some hostels in Hungshan. The express cannot reach some remote area like inside the scenic area. Or you may consider to offer us hotel/hostel in other cities. The express will be send out in advance and reach your hotel/hostel one or two days before your checkin date. You can collect the express from hotel directly. You do not need to sign the express in person with passport.
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