
Lion Grove Garden (Shizilin)

Lion Grove Garden (Shizilin) is located on 23 Yuanlin Road, in the northeast of Suzhou - a city with profound cultural background and convenient developmental advantages. It is one of the four most famous and representative gardens of ancient classical style in Suzhou City. The other three areCanglang Pavilion(Blue Wave Pavilion),Lingering Garden(Liu Yuan) andHumble Administrator's Garden(Zhuozheng Yuan).
Lion Grove Garden, Suzhou
Lion Grove Photos
Yanyu Hall, Lion Grove Garden
Yanyu Hall

Lion Grove Garden was built in 1342 during theYuan Dynasty(1271-1368) by a group of Zen Buddhist disciples of Monk Tianru as a memorial of their master - Monk Zhongfeng. Afterwards, it has changed hands and been renamed a number of times. Since Monk Tianru had once researched the Buddhism sutras at Lion Cliff on West Tianmu Mountain inZhejiang Provincewith the guidance of Monk Zhongfeng, also there were many grotesque rocks in the garden resembling lions, the garden was first given the name Lion Grove. At that time, the garden was a popular center to host activities for literati and Buddhists. Many paintings and poems were inspired by it. Later, its name was changed to Bodhi Orthodox Temple (Puti Zhengzong) and Sheng'en Temple successively.

Lion Grove Garden, Suzhou
Labyrinthine Rockery

After Monk Tianru's death and the disbandment of the disciples, Lion Grove Garden grew more dilapidated day by day. In 1589 of theMing Dynasty(1368-1644), Monk Mingxing asked for donatives to rebuild the garden and temple, which were separated later during the reign of Emperor Kangxi in theQing Dynasty(1644-1911). Huang Xingzu, the governor of Hengzhou, bought the garden and renamed it She Garden. His son, Huang Xi repaired and decorated the garden and gave it a new name - Five-Pine Garden in 1771. Good times don't last long - Lion Grove was again left to ruin due to Huang's downfall and purchased by Bei family in 1917. After 1949, the garden entered a steady and well-protected period.

占地面积约2.7英亩(1.1公顷), Lion Grove Garden is an ideal sightseeing site as it has richly ornamental pavilions and towers in different styles; each has its own history and story. True Delight Pavilion (Zhenquting) is said to be the most magnificent in the garden due to its royal style. Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, who visited it six times, in 1765, inscribed its plaque. The name of Standing-in-Snow Hall (Lixuetang) came from a Buddhist story about a pure-hearted Zen adherent standing in snow for a whole night to worship his master. Pavilion for Greeting the Plum Blossoms (Wenmeige) was a place where painters and poets indited. In addition to the plum trees around the pavilion, all the furnitures and utensils inside are decorated or carved with beautiful plum blossom designs. Furthermore, many rare tablets and steles, paintings and calligraphies are kept in Lion Grove Garden, including precious artwork 'Panoramic View of Lion Grove Garden' by Ni Yunlin, also called Ni Zan, and the 'Twelve Scenic Spots in Lion Grove Garden' by Xu Ben, both were famous painters from the Ming Dynasty.

Lion Grove Garden, Suzhou
Rockery in the Garden

However, as the representative garden of the Yuan Dynasty, the most noted and attractive scenery of the garden is the labyrinthine rockery, which was mostly made of the limestone fromTaihu LakeinWuxi City. Reputed as the 'Kingdom of Rockery', the rocks were piled up skillfully and ingeniously, and most of them look like lions in different postures and verves: playing, roaring, fighting, sleeping, or even dancing. It is said that looking north from Small Square Hall (Xiaofangting), one can see nine stone lions standing in a row and that is the Nine-Lion Peak. Due to the changes and ravages of the time and climate, the peak now only bears little resemblance to the lions. There are altogether 9 paths and 21 caverns cross among the steep peaks, sharp crags and narrow valleys made up by countless grotesque rocks. Walking through those numerous winding pathways and caverns of the anfractuous stone forest, one could easily lose one's way. With the age-old pines and cypress trees, the whole landscapes represent scenes of real mountains and forests.

The whole structure of Lion Grove Garden shows a flavor of Zen Buddhism and is an apotheosis of the gardens' constructions. A part of theImperial Summer Resort of the Qing Dynasty in ChengdeofHebei Provincewas a mimic of this garden. The garden occupies a very important place in history, representing the diversity of cultural and architectural development in Suzhou over the years.


1. Take bus no. 55, 178, 202, 262, 309, 518, 529, 811, 923 or 925, or tourist bus no. 1, 2 or 5, and then get off at Suzhou Museum Station.
2. Take bus no. 301 or 305 and get off at Shizilin South Station.
Suzhou Bus Search
Admission Fee April, May, July, August, September and October: CNY 40
January, February, March, June, November and December: CNY 30
* Note:
1. Children below 3.9 feet (1.2 meters) can enter for free when accompanied by an adult.
2. Children between 3.9 and 4.9 feet (1.2 and 1.5 meters) can enjoy half price.
Opening Hours March 1 to October 15: 07:30 to 17:30
October 16 to the end of February of next year: 07:30 to 17:00
* Note: Tickets sale stops half an hour before the closing time.

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- Last updated on Apr. 08, 2021 -
Questions & Answers on Lion Grove Garden (Shizilin)
Asked byApurvafrom INDIA | Apr. 27, 2019 12:38Reply
How long does it take to cover the Lion Grove Garden (Shizilin)?
Answers (1)
Answered byJohnfrom MALAYSIA | Apr. 28, 2019 01:38
0 0 Reply

2 - 3 hours are enough.
Asked byKellyfrom CHINA | Sep. 15, 2011 00:03Reply
How far away is Loin Grove Garden from Humble Admin Garden? How do I get to Loin from Humble
Answers (1)
Answered byJoey Joe Joe Shabadoo| Oct. 25, 2011 09:10
0 0 Reply

They are only about 1km or less apart. Bus 178 should stop near both of these - ask a bus driver or any local by showing them the written names of the gardens (in Chinese) and they'll help you out. Lion Grove Garden is off to a side street, and there seem to be no signs around, but it's close to the east side of Guan Qian Jie. Humble Administrator's Garden has signs to it everywhere and is a little but further north.
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