


在文庙的入口处,你会看到一堵石墙和两个傲慢的石头牌坊。拱门的顶部和门楣上雕刻着美丽的狮子、鲜花和代表活力的汉字。这堵墙象征性地反映了儒家教义和仪式在中国古代教育中的重要性,以及孔子在中国古代历史上的巨大声誉。爬上楼梯,你会经过“礼门”(仪式门)、“义路”(忠诚之路)和“潘池”(古代学校前的池),然后另一个巨大的石雕鲜花牌坊会吸引你的注意力。牌坊的栏杆上雕刻着许多古代肖像,描绘了一些经典而有教育意义的儒家故事。穿过石头院子,你就到了“大成门”(大成门)。大门两侧的石柱上刻有两条浮雕龙(一种使图案从平面上突出的雕刻方法)。石柱脚下有两只狮子蹲伏——也刻有浮雕。过了门,“大成殿”(大成殿),一个纪念孔子的大殿,就在你面前。大门、大厅和两间房子构成了四合院。 Here you will see the highlight of the Wenmiao Temple. Under the hall you are met by two huge pillars made of a whole stone and carved with lions and dragons using a unique carving method (ornamental work containing numerous openings, usually in set patterns). These pillars show an amalgamation of many carving styles, such as deep and low relief, reflecting the ancient carvers' skill and intelligence. Staring at these stone creatures, your mind easily conjures up an image of two huge dragons descending from the heavens. In the mist-shrouded sky, dragons loom and jump out of the sea whilst a pair of stone lions at the foot of the pillars open their mouths wide and snarl ferociously. These stone creatures carved onto the pillars truly are incomparable stone-carving masterpieces and offer a unique visual experience. The Wenmiao Temple is therefore the embodiment of the Confucian spirit.


入场费: 30元
开放时间: 09:00-18:00
公交路线: 从安顺市乘11路公共汽车或出租车
的名字 国家 电子邮件
