问布莉从美国| 2017年1月1日13:14
是金属牛出生11/4/61出生的蛇。关于男蛇2/19/65生问。很快就被告知耐心和婚姻。然而,他prusued我很多,冷和热的和冷的。他的工作是一个光明战记。走的时候,他几乎没有交流。然而,我的直觉告诉我,他有负担或成瘾。他打开了很多他想告诉我什么。他让我在过山车说他赞赏并喜欢我,他说他喜欢一个人呆着做自己不需要问别人什么。他没有亲密的朋友. .except he tells me "his children". I tell him children bring one type of love but there is more to life...to love...to live...to laugh. We have gone on dates & intimate & have fun...but then he gets cold. Please tell me if he is hiding burdens thus pushing me and pulling. Is there future for marriage? I am loyal & can handle a lot no cheating, though. I think something happened to him in childhood or past relationship. I know if he opens emotionally, we can be good & have soul bonding. Now, I cry and confused. Thank you.