美好的一天,我出生于1986年12月7日(射手老虎),我看上一位女士出生1月3日,1993(摩羯座公鸡)。我告诉她,我喜欢她通过推出,但她从来没有回答。但是,当她看到我,我和她说话她也跟我说话。我也告诉她,我没有工作。她会是我的妻子,我们会有孩子吗?我由于失业不讨好她。我有一个有限的钱。我现在没有工作。我是2年的研究生助理电脑学位课程但是我没使用它。我在不同的公司工作的行业。 I was planning to undergo call center training(voice and non voice) to be easily get hired as a call center agent or technical support representative. Is this a good choice. I am desperate for work. I will turn 30 on december 7. What about my health will it be good? I am depressed right now because I cant accomplish what I want to due to lack of money and joblessness and also I dont have a girlfriend(lovelife). No one loves me. No one wants to help me. Will I be hired as a call center agent? Will I be hired as a government employee? I applied in a government agency? I really want to work in government. Im from the Philippines. Thanks. -Patrick