问詹姆斯2014年从美国| 3月3日07:38

D - >我在上海浦东机场转移问题
我的女儿将在中国国际航空公司到达终端2然后离开终端2在芝加哥的美国航空公司。她会得通过SH的安全吗?她会在SH必须通过海关吗?我知道有三种终端2水平。她会到达1级(最低水平)?然后她继续转移。一级站是换乘大厅吗?之后她带电梯,经过国际出入境检验检疫局她呆在这一水平(2 ?)她的航班吗?经过出入境检验检疫局将她然后通过安检吗?她不得不收回,重新检查行李吗? Will she then go through customs? What is the correct order for these three: Go through security, reclaim & recheck baggage, go through customs? She reported on her flight in that her flight was not listed prior to entering the secured area. Will her flight be listed in the secured area?