我想知道的是在这个关系中潜在的或运气持续很长时间彼此在一个强大的债券?她是一个了不起的女人。我们有一个伟大的友谊。它就像我已经说过了,这些时间非常粗糙。每次我们在遗嘱,希望冲突在某些时候,我们想要的。在那些时刻我们不能相处。但我们一起回来,继续前进。主要是我们轮流根据情绪了。但75%我很高兴当我给她她想要的大部分时间。我觉得我是一个主要调整的关系甚至。 It can be overwhelming. But then again I feel that I'd prefer that then not please or satisfy her at all. Also, lastly sometimes I feel she doesn't understand me in how I think things to be in a straight direction. I know we both have very strong minds. And values. I am confident that our values and our strong minds can make our relationship stable and produce more strength in our relationship. But what I am not confident in is how she understands things. I feel like she has the tendency to run on anything she gets her mind to, she's quick minded, ready to make a move, but I feel she doesn't give enough time to evaluate things thoroughly.