老鼠(我)爱上了一头牛,我recentley告诉她——她现在在澳大利亚。我们有可能4 ?
她的新朋友认为我是一个坏家伙和她的老朋友告诉她不要相信我。我告诉她,我买了我的票,她的反应是,“我不回答。”Before I broke my promise she always smiled and couldn't wait for me to go see her but now she's standoffish. Eventhough I now that I'm going, I would like to have the opinions of complete strangers on this matter. What are the chances of her cheering up once I'm there? She has told me that she's not strong enough to do long distance - those are the same words I used last year - one year ago she said she would wait for me (for us). What is a Rat to do in his pursuit of this elusive Ox?