首先谢谢你的非常详细和翔实的文章。我没有发现任何有用的在网络上。我目前在中国大学英语教学。我们全家在这里。我们有居留许可在2012年11月到期。今年秋天我的妻子将会在另一个城市的公司工作。附近,但不一样的。从现在起她的雇主将提供我们的签证(居留许可)。他们说我们需要得到临时居住证。我们返回美国在7月和9月将返回。 We are a little bit confused about the process. Should we begin the process now before we leave in six weeks, or will being outside of China be a problem? You mention that if we are changing employers the process doesn't have to be started over from the beginning. How can we find out more information about how to pursue that?