回答Mr.JAMESWONG从中国| 2010年11月10日21:18
嗨,卡瓦依小姐,我想分享我知道的东西。在京剧小丑的角色是另一个rodle画脸。主要角色,如盛和丹,他们结构似乎正常。京和周(小丑)角色是与色彩斑斓的面部化妆夸张的显示字符。所以,不同的面部化妆Jing之间和周是周看起来有趣,特点是鼻梁上白色粉末。京角色通常有化妆模式在小丑通常有化妆的脸,眼睛,鼻子和嘴巴。小丑的角色是指某人没有美丽的脸和面部化妆,但并非所有的丑陋的人道德品质和后果。有阴险的小丑和忠诚的人。两种类型的小丑,平民小丑温(周)和武术小丑与军事技能吴(周)。温家宝周扮演各种滑稽的和吴周是有趣的人,智慧,在语言的幽默感,擅长武术,尤其是翻筋斗和跳跃。 Cown is not main role in the play but of great importance. Various walks of life can be shown by a clown and it is a very active factor to promote the story. A typical make-up for a clown: shave all hairs and heard off to make a clean facial make-up. Yes, many slown actors are bareheaded, in fact many Peking opera actors are bareheaded too. Then foundation make-up (water, fine white powder and glycerol). Three, red round make-up endermic on cheeks. The red glow diameter is about 3-5cm and color is dark in the middle. Four, draw a outline between eyebrow and nose, left and right canthus. Five, draw lines on eyes and eyebrow. Six, no matter the clown wear beard or not, they should have red lips and while oil as the sideline. Hope this help.