回答Ms.ROSEKNIGHT2010年1月17日,来自中国| 02:54
是不可能在一天之内参观这三个地方。没有火车去兵马俑。我住在西安。建议你坐机场大巴去市中心,然后租一辆出租车往返兵马俑。你需要从机场到市中心一小时和一个小时从城市中心到兵马俑。也就是说它是中午当你到达Teera白色短衣战士和你可以在下午2点左右完成,在下午3点回来。然后你可以问司机让你在南门和东门下车,在那里你可以到达城墙。最美丽的门南门id。在城市中心,你离开机场巴士,有西安的标志性建筑,钟楼和鼓楼。你可以访问,然后等待机场巴士7点钟回到机场。 So, you will miss the museum. THe museum is in the south part of the city, close to Big Wild Gosse Pagoda. It is free of charge. If I remember correctly, ticket to enter (show your passport, they will give the ticket to you) is not available since 4pm. If you want to finish the three in one day, shorten the time at each place: terra cotta warriors (12:00-13:30) to Museum (15:00-16:30) to the city wall (17:00-18:00) through SOuth gate. Then have dinner to the pick-up point for the airport bus.