问Mr.CTLTRANS从美国| 2009年11月17日,16
我们正在制定计划来中国出差。问题#1/One Company Employee Lives In Blaine WA ( A small US City on the Border of USA & Vancouver BC Canada. This Employee is a dual Citizen of the US & mr Sabella has replied to my Qustion. so when when went to Travel China Web site, I see my questions but no answer or Reply from any Mr Sabella. Also I have an Extra Question, If we have an Invitation from a Company with Whom We will be doing business with, Can we get the Visa when we arrive in China, Also why should we buy tickets first because we don;t if were going to get our Visa to China or not.
问2 /第二我们公司的员工住在美国加州弗雷斯诺。哪个中国大使馆弗雷斯诺CA属于相同的大使馆。
问3 /商务旅客的签证申请表编号。