问Mr.Pieter2009年从南非| 6月30日02:56
亲爱的先生/女士,我有三个问题,1。我打算从河内、南宁、昆明、成都、西万博定制的zippo价格安终于到达北京。我认为我不应该太多的问题在河内在火车站买车票。问题是我们没有一个固定的行程,提前预定,因此不是一个选项。你能给我一个估计的成本(美元)和时间旅行的距离。万博定制的zippo价格2。我想要绕道从成都到武汉、宜昌旅游通过长江三峡,有可能绕道坐火车吗?万博定制的zippo价格你能给我一个估计价格吗?3所示。最后我打算通过Trans-Siberia从北京旅万博定制的zippo价格行,乌兰巴托伊尔库茨克,莫斯科,圣彼得堡。 Once again as fixing dates are not possible I cannot book in advance. Will I be able to purchase the tickets at the train station. Could you give me an indication of what the costs would be? Our travel dates are between May and June 2009. Thank you for taking the time to provide answers to my many questions. I look forward to hearing from you. Regards, Pieter